rant segments courtesy of Kevin D Blanch www.youtube.com (thank you Kevin!) Okay, here we go again… The main stream news in Japan is trying to tell you that the ACIDITY levels in the Pacific Ocean are to Blame for the destruction of the ecosystem. Oh, did I mention their expert was a Weather Man? Really? Really? Acidity, not Radioactivity? Really? Next thing you know, they tell you that the Atlantic Tuna population has “rebounded” (probably escaped the Pacific) so they are Raising catch limits on Pacific Tuna. What they Fail to tell you is that the Pacific Tuna have already been tested for radiation just Months after the Fukushima disaster with high radiation levels. However, the coward scientists FAILED for MONTHS to disclose THOSE results of radioactive contamination. NHK all delighted they are announcing another version of a New robot from Toshiba to “fix the crippled reactors” – and Meanwhile FAILED their debut to public, technicians had to carry them off stage!!! (no mechanical device like a robot will work in such high radiation levels… and these robots Failed withOUT radiation). Oh, here’s a delightful little warning. Japanese researchers predict a 10MAG Earthquake to trigger multiple Tsunamis and Long lasting earth shaking. Hello, NRC, we have a problem…… Decontamination in Fukushima NOT Possible! (conversation with myself: Isn’t Fukushima worse than Chernobyl? Why Yes, MsMilky it IS. Oh, that’s right. Okay, so tell me again Why they are trying to move …
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