The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

18 Responses

  1. We’ve got power from heat, we’ve got power from wind, we’ve got power from water. Some needs to tap earthquakes already, not like the world is in short supply of them!

  2. We are doing a geothermal project on the small carribean island of Nevis and the problem i see with Geothermal production is the funding , alot of banks think it hard to put there money into a hole that might not produce , they rather spend there money producing oil

  3. @frankmrd22 I think you misread my comment (probably my fault). I meant it’s bullshit that the only reason every watt of power on the planet doesn’t come from it is that the oil companies won’t allow it.

  4. @bigchew14 it’s not bull shit you can heat & cool your home with it to if you do some home work you will find lout’s of things you can do with geothermal i drilled for oil. geothermal is cleaner

  5. I remember that day, we had all the camera crew on rig 102 i am in frame’s 5:20 to 5:37 the good looking roughneck in the black shirt =) Frank Madrid aka TANK. thermasource is a good geothermal company to work for….

  6. I like this idea for energy but does propose some problems. I’m not liking that it can cause earth quakes and what happens when we run out of water to use? In some places water has become scarce.

  7. Its bullshit that we could easily run everything on the planet with this, oh but that would put the oil and coal companies would go under.

  8. 8:25 what is that bullshit of “we made them, we can stop them”? God complex??
    very informative video, but im interested in the problems that geothermical energy can produce.

  9. The record level was pretty low. It was the problem of the source. I could have increase the audio level before exporting into the mp4 file. Try the speaker icon below the video and also crank up the volume of your computer speaker. It is low, not muted completely.

Geothermal power

Geothermal power generation.