The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. @SupaNami The underlying reason as to why corn & soy is so cheap is due the billions of tax payer dollars going to subsidize the farmers, crops, etc. Corn is also easy to grow, too. Look at Iowa and that Monsanto issue too. The company very sketchy when it comes to business practices. So don’t take on the small/petty reasons, dude.
    And you dumbass, no average American is putting ethanol in their gas tank! I think some businesses are. I don’t why you think Al Gore is involved. Like, dude, wtf?

  2. @SupaNami No, dude, you’re missing the point, dude. 1st of all, I’ve never said I buy pop. I only buy Sierra Mist because it’s made with cane sugar. 2nd, even though buying the 2 liter bottles are more frugal, you’re still paying 100s of thousands times more it is mainly water and HFCS. 3rd, There’s no 3 liter one, dumbass.

    More than 98% of soy produced is used for LIVESTOCK FEED. About 75% of the grain corn produced of corn is used for livestock feed. Why? Due to lobbying and subsidies.

  3. @johnny75803 The underlying reason as to why corn & soy is so cheap is due the billions of tax payer dollars going to subsidize the farmers, crops, etc. Corn is also easy to grow too. Look at Iowa and that Monsanto issue too. The company very sketchy when it comes to business practices. So don’t take on the small/petty reasons, dude.
    And you dumbass, no average American is putting ethanol in their gas tank! I think only businesses are. I don’t why you think Al Gore is involved. Like, wtf, dude?

  4. @SupaNami No, dude, you’re missing the point, dude. 1st of all, I’ve never said I buy pop. I only buy Sierra Mist because it’s made with cane sugar. 2nd, even though buying the 2 liter bottles are more frugal, you’re still paying 100s of thousands times more it is mainly water and HFCS. 3rd, There’s no 3 liter one, dumbass.

    The number one more than 98% of soy produced is used for LIVESTOCK FEED. About 75% of the grain corn produced of corn is used for livestock feed. Why? Due to subsidies.

  5. @gongoozler18 ok dude you are missing the point … open your mind .. HFCS is made for corn .. but when you buy a 20oz pepsi coke or dew in the store for 1.80 it’s cuz of the Convince of that item … it’s for one person … it’s not their fault that you’re dumbass hates to pay that price ..but you do right .. when you can get a damn 2 or even a 3 litter for the same price … but really dude why would you drive around drinking a 2 or 3 litter…you need a 20 oz dude …so STFU you gaff is moot

  6. @SupaNami Who wants cheap corn? Lets see, know it all: Big Businesses like Pepsi Co., the junk food industry, and Coca Cola want corn to be dirt cheap in order make their products containing HFCS dirt cheap. How does it feel to pay $1.80 for a 20 oz of bottle of corn cyrup, I mean HFCS, that, in reality, cost only pennies to produced, package, and ship? Al Gore? wth?! Big Agra lobbyists have pushed for these big subsidies for years.

    Corn & soy are 2 of the top 3 heavily subsidized crops.

  7. @SupaNami Why so hostile? So far you’ve disagreed with everyone… I know that opinions tend to vary, but do you even contemplate that you may be wrong? Or at least your source? (assuming Fox)

  8. SupaNami = Glenn Beck… only way someone can believe the nonsense coming outta your mouth is to be mixing up the fuel & drink. It’s like detroit complaining that the car company’s moved. It’s cheaper elsewhere,,, and that doesn’t necessarily mean that China is behind it… or the mexicans. Then again, who can really be sure.

  9. @gongoozler18 right there for making ethanol would make corn price skyrocket … and anything else the cow pig chicken feeds on … cuz the absent of corn …..which used to be low priced but it’s high now … who wanted this clean burn ?!?!?! the leftest … the global bs’rs like Al Gore… prolly to buy alot of corn and soy stock then sell’s when it falls it’s awsome why to get paid …

  10. @jcott15 wow you’re a dumbass … some are grass feed some are corn feed … most of what you eat are corn feed…. google that shit maaaan … do some fucking research

  11. @tiffyj85 ethanol is not good for engines …. it gums it up .. you are so right …. i’ve had to send both my boats back to the shop cuz the store i bought gas didn’t post that they had 10% ethanol gas … and by law they should post it …

  12. it’s gonna rise the price of corn … we had an Ethanol plant close cuz the price of corn is going up after it open just 4 months ago and it’s the biggest on the east coast … these guys don’t know shit … oh they closed down cuz of the price of corn

  13. these people are stupid .. you take corn and make it into a fuel … which you can drink “moonshine” .. but they put an additive in the fuel so you don’t drink it … ok let me say this, when you take a plant “Corn” that we can eat but not all people eat corn” and put it to a demand like mix it with fuel which everyone needs … what happens? … the price goes up .. what eats corn … we do .. chickens, cows, pigs … dogs, cats … and if you are like me i like to feed birds ..

  14. i don’t like glenn beck but these guys are pretty stupid. they can’t even convince each other of their arguments.

  15. Ha ha ha i love this guy, corn! Can’t you see it? The tiny green alien that follows me from my years of extensive drug abuse explained it to me when I was shopping one day. Why wouldn’t he correlate that to rising oil prices… it’s so obvious

  16. oh.. and we ARE burning corn in our car’s engine.. it is broken down to make ethanol.. which if you notice at the gas pumps, they are putting more and more ethanol (percentage wise) in our gas, when a whole lot is not needed. And it is DEFINATELY NOT GOOD FOR OUR ENGINES.

  17. Try an Organic steak.. a steak from a cow who’s farmer lets it roam free and eat grass (and possibly vitamin pellets).. the steak tastes much better.. and it’s not so much about taste, but it has much more nutrients as well.

  18. Anyway.. instead of taking my word for it. WATCH THE MOVIE: ” Food, Inc. ”
    You can find it on Netflix.

  19. We’re supposed to eat more veggies (vegetables) and fruit and a little meat per meal, per day. (every day)

  20. America was raised on the idea that the main (and biggest) portion of meals are meat, but it’s not healthy to eat a lot of meat. Protein is good for you, but not in high quantities. We are Obnivores, not Carnivores, so therefore, our digestive tract is longer and not short like a Carnivores digestive tract would be.

  21. I wouldn’t necessarily use the word “conspiracy”, only because people tend to not want to listen openly once they hear that word describing a situation.
    But Glenn Beck IS CORRECT, he’s right; cows ARE being fed a corn based diet to fatten them up quicker. So, the cows can get to the slaughter house quicker, to get to the super markets quicker, to be able to feed ALL of America.

Glenn Beck’s Corn Cow Conspiracy

Fox News host Glenn Beck has some strange ideas about food price inflation. Michael Shure, Ben Mankiewicz and Wes Clark break it down.