The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

12 Responses

  1. if you lose your job due to becoming Green will you still think it is a great idea?

    I think we will get there but forcing it never seems to work. We will all do it because we want to but making us do it calls for a backlash.

  2. Going green is to utilize recycling. We have been trying to do it for years, and now it seems to be politically correct, that we use what we have to do more things than ever. It is still worth working on.

  3. “The earth will shake us off like a bad case of fleas.” -George Carlin

  4. They won’t be people if there is no Earth. This tree hugger is going green and is proud of it. The future is green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The green conspiracy is more than just Eco-friendly goals for our earth. The communists can’t infiltrate into governments by political process, so they use this environmental green krap to reach the same destination of control.

  6. I love how the important issues that we are ignoring are “Iraq, health care, education, and”….. Britney Spears LMAO.

  7. Ummm…I have shut my computer down since my first one…it can save electricity, but it may prolong your computer. And, now that I am on broadband…I make SURE I shut it off!
    To many odd programs out there. You obviously don’t pay for utilities…it costs money to get rid of your trash, if you take that 30 min shower, if you leave the lights on at all hours. You save on light bulbs as well! Walking to the store, instead of driving not only saves gas, & CO2 emmisions, but it is better for you too!
    Try paying for not going green…leave you computer & lights on, run the water too long for showers & doing dishes…drive that big honkin SUV & burn all that gas…
    As long as you have to pay for it!

  8. Conspiracies are secretive. The ‘green’ movement is right out in the open. They want the World Goverment to ban anyand every human activity that might change the sacred environment in the slightest way. It needs to be a World Government because it’s a Global Enivronment. It needs to control everything because everything impacts the environment. Hmm… one World Government controlling all economic activity… why does that sound familiar?

    OK, nevermind, you’re right: it is a conspiracy…

  9. Here is the process that is currently in place in the US and other Countries.

    -Corporations own the majority of money in the world.
    -Corporations own the mainstream media.
    -The majority of people don’t have time to research topics so they rely on mainstream media for all of their facts.
    -Mainstream media persuades (brainwashes) people to think that they need more government spending of any kind; war, healthcare, etc.
    -Corporations buy the majority of government bonds
    -The brainwashed public vote on those politicians who pose to implement that new service or war into society.
    -The government doesn’t have any saved money so they borrow money via government bonds from those corporations
    -Taxes are raised to pay back those government bonds plus interest.
    -People now have to work harder to make up for their loses that went to taxes.
    -The majority now works more which means they are researching less.
    -The majority now relies even more on the mainstream media for their information.

    The cycle goes on and on until the US national debt is in the trillions. Interest alone is in the hundreds of billions. Those corporations now make more on interest than they do by selling their products or services. So now to make the most of their money they have to work off of this process. (If you are a CEO, you have to do your company the favor and make them the most money possible, even if it means putting a tax burden on millions of tax payers).

    All of the 2008 republican and democratic presidential candidates are part of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). So if you vote for a Republican or Democratic politician, you are voting for the same thing. The CFR plans on uniting North America under one financial system. That means that the millions of illegal Mexicans will have to start paying North American taxes. That means that corporations can dig the 9 trillion dollar debt even further without the average tax payer noticing which means that the interest that is made will be even greater.

    Pollution is a factor of life. Basically imagine society as an engine. Corporations are the pistons, people are the building blocks of the engine and the fuel is energy of all kinds; exhaust is pollution. Government is the crankshaft. It is in place to protect the pisons from malfunctioning. The stock market is the calculations of heights of each of the pisons. When one piston moves others are affected by it and changes the stock prices. Without the pistons the vehicle won’t move. If you notice the war in Iraq is for protecting one of these pistons (oil companies assets). The more expensive energy becomes, the slower the engine runs.

    My only concern is that I don’t know who is behind the wheel.

    —Added after—

    With every change in the engine, money is shifted and some folks become wealthy. Money can only be made when energy is used, i.e. food for humans to work, gas to power an engine etc. The reality is, is that some people are smart and set themselves up properly on the receiving end of the money trail. So if it appears that everything “green” is expensive it is because the system in place for those green energies aren’t efficient enough to have an output great enough for your appetite. I don’t believe that it is an easy task to change the fuel that powers our engine; especially an energy that will co-operate nicely with all of the pistons.

  10. How’s it a “waste of time” exactly? I have two trash bags at home, one for actual “trash” and the other for recyclables, which are picked up separately at the end of the week. My computer automatically hibernates at night, and when I use it I just click the “on” button and go. Now maybe I’m not single-handedly saving the planet or whatever, but none of that stuff takes any more of my precious time out of the day, or night. I guess I’m just not sure what the big deal is.

  11. Why can’t you do both? Be green and think about health care, etc? And conserving energy serves YOU first! Brings down your electric bills, and maybe we would not need as much healthcare if when we did nt have to worry about polluted air, water and fish with mercury.

  12. On one hand, I do agree with some of what you are saying. I do agree that our country has become overly facinated or obsessed about inconsequential things (the life of Britney Spears or any socialite, how big of a house a person lives in, what car a person drives, what name brand a person is wearing etc). I also agree that affordable health insurance for our people is needed and should also be a political priority. On the other hand, I think that focusing so much on a political conspiracy theory is buying in to media propaganda and totally misses the common sense boat. There may be things that the government is not telling us. There have been things that the United States government has failed to disclose to its citizens for one reason or another since the country’s inception. I think that the main benefit of the going green campaign is to make the world’s population take notice that we are bequeathing our children a legacy of consequences that are the direct result of bad choices. If someone throws garbage out of their window driving down the road, that is going to affect our environment. Buying gas guzzling vehicles for the sole purpose of establishing status versus utility is irresponsible. We can’t blame every problem of this country on our government. For a country led for the people and by the people, perhaps we the people should take responsibility for our own actions first. Once change has been made for the better in terms of the individuals’ choices, perhaps everything else will fall in line.

Going green is a conspiracy!?

Stop people. Stop wasting your time.. The term going green was made up by the government to brainwash you to believe you’re killing the planet. Don’t get me wrong. I love the earth and will protect it. I’m talking about the phrase “Go Green” and thinking if you don’t shut down your computer at night you’re murdering the earth. Give me a break! I understand we need to protect our planet, but don’t you think the focus is off? The government doesn’t want to you to know what really is going on in the world. What happened to Iraq, Health Care, Education, 9/11 and Britney Spears for crying out loud!? It’s hidden behind the media that scares you conserve your energy and turn off the important information around you. I am boycotting “going green” and I am living in reality. What good is pretending to “go green” when you don’t have health insurance to protect you? Either way, you won’t live to see it. Before you tree huggers slam me, just think about it. I love earth too, but people more!