Interview with Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland English-Chinese translation by Asianjijo Published on Aug 3, 2012 h/t onesizjk Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland: Due to its ground has been sinking, Unit 4 is now endangered in collapse. […] According to secretary of former Prime Minister Kan, the ground level of the building has been sinking 80 cm [31.5 inches] unevenly. Because the ground itself has the problem, whether the building can resist a quake bigger than M6 still remains a question. enenews.com Source video: www.youtube.com “A Plea for a Total Ban on Nuclear Energy” by Professor Mitsuhei Murata www.youtube.com Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland, addresses attendees at Coalition Against Nuke’s Sep. 20th Congressional Briefing, hosted by the Congressional Office of Congressman Kucinich (D-OH). Entire Transcript of Speech avail. at this link- docs.google.com CAN Briefing Speech Published on Sep 24, 2012 by LoveLifeNoNukes Kucinich Addresses Coalition of Anti Nuclear Activists PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO LISTED BELOW www.youtube.com Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today addressed an overflowing audience of enthusiastic supporters as he explained the current status of the nuclear industry in the United States. He cited the problematic Davis-Besse nuclear power in Northern Ohio as an example of the state of the industry. Watch: US gov’t is main reason why crisis at Fukushima Unit 4 has been …
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Dykes also covers the following news stories: A recent attack on Ron Paul’s Washington State headquarters. Staffers in the Bellevue office on January The alarming increase in radiation leaks at nuclear power plants around the world. The latest leak occurred at the San Onofre plant in San Diego, California, after a plant in Byron, Illinois, leaked tritium late last month. Aaron covers at story by Paul Joseph Watson revealing a plan by officials in Indiana to use radioactive naked body scanners at the Super Bowl this Sunday. Hollywood director James Cameron has bought a large tract of land in a remote area of New Zealand and plans to relocate his family there. Does Cameron know something we don’t about things to come as the world teeters on the edge of financial meltdown and social crisis? Dykes also covers an article posted today by Steve Watson covering legislation introduced by five Washington state representatives to override the authoritarian and Constitution-busting NDAA bill cooked up in Congress and signed into law on New Year Day by Obama. Finally, Aaron talks about a lawsuit filed in federal court as the family of a slain Border Patrol agent try to get to the bottom of the Fast and Furious imbroglio.