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help: what are some good punishment ideas for criminals?

Question by : help: what are some good punishment ideas for criminals?
ok i was thinking about good punishments and stuff for criminals and came up with this idea:
1.( skin the person completely of their skin. using a razer blade, cut the testicles off and force him to chew it.)
2.) lock him in a coffin with holes in it for 2 days, tell him he is being buried alive (it is possible to live for a few days with no skin, as long as no major arteries are severed).
3. after the 2 days in the coffin are over ,blindfold him, and release him. tell him he is never going back into the coffin again(to make him think he is gonna be free), then lead him to a cauldron of boiling water or oil, remove the blindfolds , tell him that he is going to be thrown in and wont be free afterall. then after several rituals, throw him in. and cover the top so that he cant escape

how long would it take for the boiling water to kill him?

before i would put them in the water, i would lecture them about how their skin would receive 5th degree burns (such an intense burn that its so rare, that only 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree ones are common, imagine a 5th degree) , skin would be burned down below the fat and muscle exposed, THEN they would die.
i could always also cut the rectum and pull the intestines through there before finishing him off in the water, lol

Best answer:

Answer by Vegeta1418
Keeping them alive with fear every single day.

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