The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Here’s my question and no I’m not a conspiracy weirdo! Please serious discussion.?

What do we think of our government and how they are handling our energy crisis? This very real energy crisis has been off and on since the 1960’s and ever since then our government has done little or nothing to really fix it. Somehow this country (Bible humpers mostly I believe) voted Bush’s into office repeatedly who retain massive oil rights which would only detour someone in power from truly seeking a new energy source. Republicans (and democrats…. But mostly republicans) seem to care little regarding the average citizen whose pockets are getting squeezed in this recession. We have so many possibilities such as solar, wind, waste energy, bio-fuels ETC; which by themselves would do little but together could be a cure for the planets woes. Okay I’m rambling….. in the end desperation is motivation and the average citizen is fat and lazy and would easily grant power to someone who says they can fix their problems. Could we see our current form of government eventually using our energy crisis to gain complete control in a pseudo communist fashion, creating an American monarch of the wealthiest most political figures? If 2% of the world’s population control 90% of the world’s wealth with the majority being in America could we be eventually in our lifetime be looking at becoming the next Russia controlled by our wealthy in a widespread panic and poverty created purposely for the sole intent on full control? Basically is our country headed for communism or socialism under full government control?