The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

13 Responses

  1. I think they are reacting to it in panic mode when they should have been working pro-actively for the past 3 decades to do something about what everybody saw coming.

  2. Socialism isn’t a bad thing unless you let it get to full control communism. For example Switzerland runs fine and it is a socialist country with three official languages. Finland is a socialist country and everyone there gets top quality (The U.S. has far from the best health care options, I have practiced in three countries) health care and the option to go to college without the accompanying debt. Just remember that fences that are built to keep people out eventually are used to keep people in!

  3. I did not read anywhere what kind of power and/or fuel you are using……

    “in the end desperation is motivation and the average citizen is fat and lazy and would easily grant power to someone who says they can fix their problems”
    Are you including yourself in this?

  4. you need to plan your question better, if you put more time into your question, the answer may be more apparent

    any government involvement in the solution to any problem is a potential hook into toltarianism, and could predispose to any of the more specific ” ‘isms ” that we get anxious about,

    solar, and wind, bio are “cute” answers but i don’t think that they will make a big difference

    geothermal- maybe
    Nuc is the way i think
    something else that i am not smart enough to see will come along also

  5. That is not Communism or Socialism, that’s Fascism.

    And America has always been controlled, in part, by the rich. It’s only when the masses have had enough that their power has been curtailed, and I see nothing to prevent that from happening again.

    Have patience, my young padawan.

  6. I read a great break down about that this morning on the link I listed. You have to register to read it but it’s worth the trouble.

  7. I’d take your question a little more serious if you didn’t use the term “Bible Humpers.”

    Look- Every form of energy gets resistance-
    *Solar energy would take up too much land to actually be useful on a large scale.
    *Wind Energy is protested because it might kill a few birds or bats
    *Hydro energy might kill fish
    *Digging for Oil in ANWAR is “going” to hurt the wildlife there.
    *Nuclear Energy is “too dangerous”

    The second those republicans you hate so much try to propose something- the libs shoot it down for one reason or another. Mostly shooting it down because a republican came up with the idea.
    And by the way- it wasn’t just the “Bible Humpers” who elected George Bush. It took a lot more than just THAT demographic to win… He got a better percentage of the votes than Clinton did when HE was elected.

  8. If you think the congressionally manufactured energy crisis is a serious problem, wait until you see the congressionally manufactured Social Security crisis, when that finally hits.

    They both have a couple of things in common. They both are the result of the federal government’s involvement in matters outside the scope of their Constitutional authority. They both are matters that the voting public wanted them to get involved in. They both have been brewing for over half a century. The boiling point has been reached on both several times, but avoided by Inflation and/or increased taxes and subsidies. Neither can be avoided indefinitely.

    They key fact that most people overlook in these matters, and some others, is that “the voting public WANTED them to get involved.” Look at some of the most Liberal members of Congress, they keep getting re-elected.

    Now, here’s the simple solution: Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment. That’s the one that altered how we select Senators. Repealing it would cause them to be chosen by the state legislatures, not the People of that state.

    Everybody wants their freebie. Congress often can’t pay for it, so they pass the freebie, and send the bill to the states. That’s called an “unfunded mandate”. That would become a lot harder to get away with if we repealed the Seventeenth Amendment.

    Once we do that, it’d take probably five to ten years for the federal government to behave responsibly again, and get rid of a lot of the problem legislation that is currently in place. Some states, California perhaps, would try to continue the problems on their own, but intelligent and productive people would flee such states, and eventually we could have Freedom again.

  9. Its already happened . They say a woman has the right to do as she wants with her body , unless she wants to ingest or smoke a so called illegal substance . The state will test a child at birth and if they discover so called illegal chemicals in the child she can be arrested . Yet ,I find it strange that she can abort the child .
    Since we have plenty of labor available in the world , those people who control the masses have seen fit to allow abortion . In fact they would like to abort some of their own once they figure out junior is a complete idiot and not capable of running a corporation or handling the family fortune .
    This country is controlled by the wealthy and power hungry politicians will do as they are told by these few individuals just so they can hold office and pretend they actual accomplish something .

    Other then renaming government buildings and passing laws to prevent competition in the markets , what social issues since freeing blacks and minorities have politicians tackled .

    It took 20 years to get exxon to pay up after the Valdez accident and the supreme court cut the amount just a few weeks back and exxon is still filing appeals .

    This government is controlling the people and aiding corporations and the wealthy .

    The only reason they educate people past the 3 R’s is so they can take advantage of them . Some people call it offering them the opportunity to succeed . Only those people with drive and the ability succeed , leaving 90% of americans to services the needs of their fellow man and the needs of the rich for subsistence wages .

  10. You want to talk about our energy crisis, then you throw in the bible humpers and Bush. Then you add the asshole Republicans, then throw in two or three democrats to make it look like you’re serious and not a liberal trying to bash the republicans. So what do you want? Are you looking for a bunch of liberals that will agree with you?

    Bush can’t do a damn thing about the crisis without the help of congress. (which is controled by democrats I might add)

    The bible thumpers can’t do anything about the crisis either, because the democrat congress seems to be ignoring the majority of the people that are saying we should be drilling off shore and in Anwr. You may be right about the government wanting full control of the sheep, but you’re pointing at the wrong party.

  11. first off.. you display a common problem in that you don’t really understand what the purpose of the government is and or how it works..

    You say Bush is heavily invested into Oil.. based on the ASSUMPTION that it is true because you have heard it repeated so often…

    in all honesty NO ONE knows what bush is invested in right now.. ALL presidents place their personal income into a blind trust when they accept office.. and don’t get to see or deal with it till they leave….. so after eight years in a blind trust.. none of us really know what Bush’s money is invested in…

    Second off.. the government has a VERY narrow set of directives as to what it SHOULD be doing… investigating new energy forms is NOT one of them.. although you CAN slide this under providing for the common welfare… personally i think it is an area best left to private enterprise…

    READ the constitution… find the part in it that says it is the US governments job to provide new and better forms of energy and read that for me please…

    Bottom line is the entire green scare is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the socialists of the world to push for a world government.. because in their hearts they really don’t trust the working people to make decisions… bigger governments mean the rulers are LESS dependent on individuals to elect them.

  12. Fascism is the term to describe our government today with Marxism thrown in . This after they wipe out the US Constitution .

Here’s my question and no I’m not a conspiracy weirdo! Please serious discussion.?

What do we think of our government and how they are handling our energy crisis? This very real energy crisis has been off and on since the 1960’s and ever since then our government has done little or nothing to really fix it. Somehow this country (Bible humpers mostly I believe) voted Bush’s into office repeatedly who retain massive oil rights which would only detour someone in power from truly seeking a new energy source. Republicans (and democrats…. But mostly republicans) seem to care little regarding the average citizen whose pockets are getting squeezed in this recession. We have so many possibilities such as solar, wind, waste energy, bio-fuels ETC; which by themselves would do little but together could be a cure for the planets woes. Okay I’m rambling….. in the end desperation is motivation and the average citizen is fat and lazy and would easily grant power to someone who says they can fix their problems. Could we see our current form of government eventually using our energy crisis to gain complete control in a pseudo communist fashion, creating an American monarch of the wealthiest most political figures? If 2% of the world’s population control 90% of the world’s wealth with the majority being in America could we be eventually in our lifetime be looking at becoming the next Russia controlled by our wealthy in a widespread panic and poverty created purposely for the sole intent on full control? Basically is our country headed for communism or socialism under full government control?