The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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  1. Fossil fuels, usually coal but it could also be petroleum products are burnt to heat water under pressure and make steam. The high pressure steam is used to spin turbine generators which make electricity.

    Burning all fossil fuels releases various byproducts. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are 2 major components of the damaging gases products. Sulfur is also released. Particulates are produced and released. ALl these have there specific bad affects on the environment but most talked about are global warming and acid rain.

    Large centralized power plants will tend to concentrate the problem in one area. This actually does not have to be bad. Having all the problems in one spot makes it easier to deal with them once and for all. But more likely the problems with fossil fuels being used in one spot will create ‘dead zones’ that will slowly grow no matter how careful and well controlled they are.

How are fossil fuels coupled to electrical power?


Question by PhillyGirl82: How are fossil fuels coupled to electrical power?
How are fossil fuels coupled to electrical power, and what are the major environmental impacts of these processes? What are the problems of future increases in large centralized electrical-generation power plants?

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Answer by Prophet 1102
Nice homework assignment. Time to get busy.

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