Question by Mallory: How can people be so careless and uninterested in the oil spill?
I mean really!
It seems like the country and the government aren’t concerned AT ALL with what’s going on out there in the gulf coast!
It’s almost as if they’re cleaning it up to appease the people, but they’re not even really viewing it as a big deal. They’re so much more concerned with issues overseas to be bothered with really putting the time and effort it takes into fixing the problems here in our own country.
And BP, the ones at fault for ALL OF THIS! Are still sitting pretty, making money, and not learning any lessons from this. Sure, they’ve lost some money, but I doubt it’s enough to really put a dent in the BP Industry. I’d hate to be a relative or family member who’s living in luxury from the wealth that they got from a company that’s killed people, caused people to loose their jobs, destroyed our waters in the gulf coast, and worst of all, killed the animals who have no voice or understanding of what is happening.
It just makes me sick. I’m not an eco-freak, but I do think that our country’s reckless expansion is KILLING this beautiful planet we live on. It’s like all people think about are themselves, and nobody cares that if you look at pictures of earth hundreds of years ago, and compare them to now, we’re living in a garbage dump.
But that’s all fine right? Because when this one gets too bad, we’ll find a new one to destroy. People are the worst virus, or parasite to the universe, and at the moment, BP is at the top of that list. Followed by every other A**Hole that’s enjoying there wealth and money, and not caring about the oil spill in the gulf because they’re not affected by it.
Watch this video I found on Youtube.
See how bad this really is!
And give me your opinion. How do you feel about the oil spill in the gulf coast?
It’s long. but trust me, once you start watching, you won’t be able to take your eyes off of it.
Best answer:
Answer by Nina
I think you`v said it all! It seems to me that the government is concerned only about the interest of few political options in the country and in leading foreign affairs in a way that brings them more zones of influence and power.
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