Question by : How do I heal my belly ring?
I pierced my belly button in the summer and its been over 3 months now and have been cleaning it, probably not as much as I should. I have changed it numerous of times and some of the times I have poked spots under the skin that KILL, I think I may have torn tissue underneath. Its very swollen, sore and hurts when I touch it. Since it is so swollen and heavy its gone lopsided. I have the top half of my belly button pierced and the top hole has healed fine and isn’t swollen, however the bottom hole is a little pussy, sore and I always find crusty, gooey thing coming out of it or that have dried on the bottom half of the ring. I have been cleaning it with Witch Hazel, Peroxide, salt water, hot clothes ANYTHING that I think will take the infection (if there is one, then it is mild) away. I understand that Peroxide is quite harsh and I will not be using it anymore, I have been told to use Tee Tree Oil as it moisturizes and cleans out infection on the area. Is there any suggestions on how I can heal my piercing faster?
Best answer:
Answer by sara
hey there,
i had my belly button pierced last year and ran into some of the same problems. I think that maybe your changing the jewelry too often. whenever i changed my ring, it would irritate my piercing a bit. Also, make sure the ring that’s in is surgical steel, anything else will irritate your skin. so i suggest leaving a surgical steel light in weight ring in for a while until the piercing heals. Also, never clean your piercing with peroxide or rubbing alcohol, this irritates the piercing. Your best off with cleaning it with only sea salt water (just mix a small amount of water in a cup with a lot of sea salt and cover the piercing with this solution…itl burn like a bitch but will clean it and make the swelling go down) and anti bacterial soap at least twice a day, if not more. so hope i was a help =)
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