Question by Migo: How do I slow my husband down?
My husband is a hard worker and I admire that deeply about him..but he has taken it too far lately and it is killing him. He is working 2 jobs-7 days a week…most of the time 10-16 hrs a day!! We are flipping another house now that has turned into a nightmare (we dont’ even like this house either) and he works on that every waking moment he is home. He has high chol, high bp, gained a ton of weight, sleeping problems, mood swings, ED problems, and anxiety attacks. The doctors have begged him to slow down or stop..I have begged him…he refuses!! I also work full time and take care of everything on top of help him work on the house. I recently developed stomach ulcers from dealing with him and the stress of it all. He refuses to hire someone to finish the house despite the fact that we have the money..he refuses to quit his second job because “they will send me over the road and everyting will be worse I will never quit my 2nd job”. When we went on vacation he was in a horrible mood the whole time and made everyone miserable. I want to bulldoze this house down!! There is still a year or more worth of work left to do-if not more…I think he’ll have a heart attack by then and I wont’ have much left of a stomach or my sanity. I feel like now this has become an obsession with him and I have no clue what to do about it???
He is on tons of meds for all his problems, doctors tell him to stop and are mad I have stomach problems now. I cried and begged for him to slow down because I am scared he will die…he agrees but continues on…I believe he is obsessed and doesn’t know how to stop??
Best answer:
Answer by ouragon
Why hasn’t the dr told him to slow down? He sounds like he has one foot in the grave. I hope he’s on meds for all that stuff.
You could provide him with healthy meals and pack them for when he’s away.
Have you told him that you don’t want to be a widow or spend years without him? That worked on my husband. Good luck.
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