The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

One Response

  1. Begin with the Wikipedia website.

    Then look for specifics:
    The energy from the Sun gives us light and heat.
    The more energetic light photons can be used to knock off electrons from some atoms; the electrons can then flow through wires for electricity (photovolatic cells).
    The heat from the sun evaporates water from oceans, forms clouds, rain on mountain sides: brooks, creeks, rivers… The solar energy is “stored” in the water currents as water flows back to the ocean. We intercept it to make turbines run (hydro-electricity).
    Plants absorb the energy of Sunlight (chlorophyl). In trees, this becomes fibrous materials which, when buried for thousands of years, become coal. When we burn coal, we “release” the stored solar energy.
    Animals eat plants (which, themselves, represent stored solar energy) and, when they are buried for thousands of year, turn to petroleum.

How does solar energy create power for us to use?

I mean, how does solar power create electricity and heating? This is for a grade, so I’d appreciate it if you were positive. Please record the websitre or book you used. THANKS!