The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

5 Responses

  1. More details please!

    Electricity doesn’t turn… it just kind of wobbles… what do you mean conserve energy… what is this question asking?

  2. Do you mean turning off ?

    Electricity is produced in all power plants according to the demand from the customers on the electricity generators. demand means the current required to keep all electrical equipment working. If we switch off some equipment demand goes down so generator uses less resources (for example : water in hydro power station) which can be saved for later.

  3. well, it doesn’t conserve it directly. But by turning it off, the local company supplying the power (no matter if they’re just distributors or direct suppliers) … see that much of the power they put out on the grid is going to waste, as in, not being used, so they put out less power out on the grid. And most electricity generation methods have some sort of pollution attached to the end of the process, turning your power off, will help save yourself the bill, make the distributor buy less power from the suppliers, and the supplier make LESS power since there’s not that much demand for it. THAT means, turning power off, applies the supply and demand rule, on the local energy market. So by turning it off, you increase the availablility (aka “supply”) and decreasing the demand. So if the supplier or distributor wants to stay in business and competitive he has to adjust to the market demands and thus reduce the electricity making process, thus conserving the resources needed to make it, unless they’re 100% solar, hydro or wind generated. IF they are, two thumbs up for them. So it’s a matter of conserving energy, true, but not energy in the sense of ELECTRICAL energy, just “energy” in the sense of einstein’s “E=MC squared” cuz once whatever they do is done, it can’t be reversed. Energy moves around all over, so making .. coal burn, to make electricity means, that coal will burn and turn to carbon, we all know u can’t burn THAT again to make electricity so it becomes waste, diminuishing the total available coal out there, thus increasing the price that you, the end user pays, for each kilowatt of power you receive, because it costs the “manufacturer” more, to make the same amount of energy.
    It’s more of an economics question, not a science related one.
    Did it make any sense at all ?

  4. turning OFF the power to unused appliances reduces the demand
    electricity is a secondary form of energy, the original energy has to come from somewhere, often burning coal, or gas

    so the less we use, the less pollution produced at the factory (power plant)


how does turning of electricity conserve energy?