The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

3 Responses

  1. It is actually not as hard as you may think. I know because I recently installed a solar system on my own swimming pool. It takes careful planning and preparation but its very doable. I found a step by step guide to installing solar panels, online at It was a breeze. Good luck!

  2. Not hard. This web site provides you a step by step process to build a devise that generates solar and wind energy. Not only will it provide electric for your pool, but can lower your utility bill. The cost to build this generator is under $200.

  3. I did not mean to give Nick a thumbs up.

    Be very skeptical about the value of this
    $200 dollar system. I expect the output is very low, and Mir than likely DC rather usable 120 volt AC.

How hard is it to install solar panels on a swimming pool?

I was thinking about adding a solar heater to my swimming pool. The panels seem very affordable, but is this something I could install myself with no experience or do i need a professional?