i just need some sort of estimate. about any alternative fueled vehicle (hydrogen, solar, battery electric, electri, hybrid, Ethanol, ect).
If some one could find a chart or graph as to how many are in production or are on the market. any alternatived fueled vehicle.
2 Responses
Nissan and GM make ethanol hybrids. Toyota is working on biodiesel and electric hybrid vehicles.
It depends on your definition of “in production”, but there is one Hydrogen fueled car available to the public, and that will be the Honda FCX, very expensive, extremely difficult to refuel, and did I mention EXPENSIVE! There are several good Natural Gas vehicles available, the most available being the Honda Civic GX, you may have places to refuel it near you, or you can refuel at home with a kit you can buy with the car. Battery electric cars are either hard to find or very expensive, or both. The only one currently in production is the Tesla Roadster, 0-60 in 4 seconds, long cruising range, about $100,000. Used ones available include the Toyota Rav4 EV, but it uses Nickel Metal Hydride batteries, not Lithium Ions like the Tesla. There are 12 hybrid electric vehicles currently available which you can research at greenhybrid.com, an excellent resource. Many cars can be run on E85, since carmakers get credits towards their overall CAFE mileage, so building flex fuel vehicles enables them to make cars with even lower mileage and not pay any penalties, so you can see why there are so many, even though few people actually use E85. Almost any diesel engine can be run on some blend of biodiesel with little modification. Greater changes need to be made to run the car on Waste Vegetable Oil.