Question by high_plains_drifter_1857: How stupid is it for the Oil Companies to continue to expand oil when we are only going to die faster?
That burning fossil fuels is killing us all is not even debatable anymore. The Southeast United States is about to turn against each other due to no rain (you need cooler upper air temperatures to condense rain and those upper air temperatures aren’t they anymore because everything is getting hotter from the greenhouse gases, Ever been in a greenhouse? Ever notice how hot it is inside?)
How crazy is it to expand oil production like BP in Indiana, who also want to dump MORE poison into Lake Michigan at a time when South Western States are talking about building a pipeline to bring that newly poisoned water right to there taps.
“Hurry up and make the most profit BEFORE we all die” Is that their motto? The Skeleton laying on top of the biggest pile of money wins? Is that their reasoning?
No, I guess It’s their way or else we should all die.
Best answer:
Answer by fathead
Sounds like a good plan.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
Boo hoo….
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