The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

44 Responses

  1. @krbruner did you know the guy who invented the diesel engine made it originally run on penut oil. and when it was burned it smelled like roasted penuts at christmans time

  2. @starknight97 Nevertheless, the law of nature of the conservation of energy remains, no matter how much you’re trying to muddy the waters.
    You can not create or destroy energy, you can only convert its form. Get that through your head. Rinse and repeat.

  3. @a1mint Yeah that you only answer Bla Bla huh? Wrong once again you are for suggesting the research not even be done and attempted in different ways. Now thats arrogant. How am i Insulting anything when i say i like too see the research and see it done? Yeah nuclear energy is pseudoscience right. Then suns isn’t real either it just apollo up their too right?

  4. @krbruner

    I think you’re right then. I’ll have to do some more research into electric vehicles. I’ll be moving soon, and I was thinking of setting up a still and seeing how well a standard motorcycle or scooter will run on pure ethanol.

  5. @krbruner Absolutely! Once the ultimate battery is invented (cost, performance, weight), than that’s it for the ICE.
    Electric motors are amazing. No (or less) transmission required. Lighter. Lasts seemingly forever (the brushless kind).
    And here’s a great example: Diesel trains. Although they run on diesel, they actually drive a generator which in turn runs an electric motor. So in essence, those locomotives are electric, with a bad power source.
    In Europe it’s all overhead wired…

  6. @starknight97 Bla bla, nevertheless. You can not create or destroy energy. That is a fact that you can not deny, period. Your fuzzy nebulous blabber does not diminish that.
    So, in essence, you are insulting the scientific community and it is YOU that is the arrogant one, because you’re trying to wiggle your way through with pseudoscience.

  7. @a1mint Your as bad as current day scientists thinking you know it all. Then i ask you were the unified math too back up this knowledge then? That right no clue because we been working that for the last 100+ years which shows we have a lot more too learn about nature. No it mean I’m a real Scientist which is the study of nature till i learn all their is to know. Then to discourage researcher is true arrogance and ignorant. I see no were i have asked for money.

  8. @enwelz Ok but with their knowledge in the 1950s said you couldn’t as ours say you can’t go the speed of light. In 200+ years this will be circumvented with a warp field or folding space. The rule you state is true but the way you interpret it like this. Refining oil cost more then you get out of it not true at all or you wouldn’t do it. Suns run on hydrogen because it the most abundant fuel of all time and they break it down with heat & massive gravity. So this just mean we’re doing it wrong.

  9. As for efficiency, electric motors are more efficient in so many ways, and with battery technology increasing so drastically recently, I would say that is the most efficient and viable method. Electric motors do not have nearly the mechanical or heat losses as internal combustion, and electric motor do not past power at idle either. All electric is most likely the way it is going, while electrolysis will always have it’s use on submarines making oxygen for the sailors.

  10. Just because the technology MAY be able to allow for a somewhat usable solution, that does not mean it will be at all cheap. If you look at the wiki for hydrogen car, you will see a quote there where some manufacture tried to make a hydrogen fuel cell car, but stopped because an all electric car would be around $40k while a hydrogen car would be around a $400k car. I would say that all of the research in h-cars is just to make the environmentalists buy stock in a company.

  11. anyone ever see this old guy inventor before he had invented this solid poris graphite like material as a safe stable means to store H yo replace pressurized tanks i cant remember his name or how much the technology could store
    i was just wondering what ever came of it

  12. i have another great idea ,what if each rim/wheel was made of neodym magnets
    and you have a bunch of coils all around the break rotor essentially turning all 4 wheels into alternators/generator and maybe put in frictionless magnetis bearings ,then you coule recoup more energy in the form of electricity to run the electrolyzer

  13. ok so what if you had a more efficient type of engine? liker the mazda rotary engine or some kind of turbine conbine with a vehicle made of ultra lite composite materials and improve the effiency of the electrolyzer i saw a vide where they were heating the water and adding an electrolyte and got much faster HHO production you could recyle the heat produced bu the engine too

  14. There are much better, reasonable options such as biofuels and methane to power a internal combustion engine. Eventually, the cost of running a internal combustion engine will make buying a new electric car make more sense, maybe even a necessity.

  15. @ReasonDefender Ok, on-demand hho/hydrogen really is not feasible, they cannot produce enough hydrogen fast enough to meet the requirements of an engine, if you did it off-site, you would have to pressurize and carry a tremendous amount of gaseous hydrogen to make up the difference, 1 gal/gas = 24 gal of hydrogen at 2175psi..high pressure tanks are heavy. Liquid hydrogen, forget about it, cause then you would have to carry a freezer to keep it cryo too. The energy density is just not there.

  16. @bulletproof2353
    I think you may have missed the point of my comment, have not seen you on this thread, maybe you should go back and read my stand on the idea of on-demand HHO generation before making an assumption about what my comment means.

  17. @krbruner

    I agree, it would seem to make sense that we could just use electric motors if we’re carrying batteries around.

    My major motivation was the possibility of retrofitting currently used combustion engines, since they still make up the majority of vehicles.

  18. @ kbruner u r missing the point i think this gas can be used to run an ICE or a more efficient engine like a turbine,and y carry batteries to split water ,well u need to burn something to get a net energy gain,oh i see unless u keep the electrolyzer in your garrage and fill your car tank with the gas ,but water is more stable. this tech is nothing new though im just wondering if it has been suprssed i think it has

  19. hydrogen power by combustion and fuel cell still has its place in the future. until batteries become vastly smaller and several times more efficient they are simply too heavy, where a fuel cell is relitively light and it puts out an electric current. if we were willing to build nuclear power plants to split ocean water to hydrogen, we could power cars totally on h. while it may not ever pan out, fuel cells will be used in several other applications

  20. @ReasonDefender Even if someone developed this really efficient method of electrolysis, we are actually beyond the need to use it. Why carry batteries, to split water, to burn in an engine to move a car, when we can use those batteries directly to move the car with electric motor. Other than applications where electric solutions do not work well (like jet aircraft), bio fuels can be used there, but in general, the internal combustion engine is becoming obsolete.

  21. @starknight97 You can not break the laws of nature. You can not create or destroy energy. You can only convert it. You will always get less energy out of it than you put in because there is an amount lost in heat.
    Those are the laws. If you think this magically doesn’t apply to you and your scams, then you’re either ignorant and delusional, or a crook. Take your pick.

  22. I want this, except the car should run only on hydrogen. Oh, and you should be able to collect the hydrogen and oxygen again, separate it, and use it again. But I’m thinking that would take all the energy produced unless you could find some sort of catalyst.

  23. The blow torch = cool
    Use for the car = impractical
    fuel->electricity at the plant->electricity at your car->water electrolysis->hydrogen combustion->your car moves
    fuel->gas combustion->your car moves
    each step has inefficiency, the amount of inefficiency varies; but in general I’d put my money on gasoline’s efficiency.

    A counter argument is: hydrogen burns clean! but the fuel at the power plant doesn’t, and if you burn more at the power plant than in your car then it’s counterproductive.

  24. And that would be the holy grail of science if someone could find a way to get the molecules to separate using less energy than is available by burning the hydrogen.

  25. It is just a shame that it requires soooooooo much energy to acutally extract the Hydrogen itself!

  26. It also seems, that this that we have in common might explain the other, that we don’t. ;) But, let’s not get started on that again.

  27. It uses not tap water, it uses distilled water (pure H2O).

    This process can fuel most applications that fossil fuels (ie gas) do now such as cars and factory machines. All using water and compact electrolosys machines.

  28. cmon where is this technology this stuff makes me mad lets stop getting oil from the middle east and just use hydrogen

Hydrogen Generator Saves 20% – 90% Fuel and Increases Power

Gorilla Developers has been working on creating a method of extracting Hydrogen from water and an electrolyte solution. This has now … all » been achieved. See the video to understand the incredible volume of Hydrogen being extracted. How is this achieved? Using 30 amps from your alternator on standard vehicles for the 20-Cell electrolyzer we weave this energy Through an over 40 stainless steel plates which extract the Hydrogen necessary to aid in increased fuel combustion efficiency. What does this mean to me? Your vehicle will have substantially increased fuel combustion. [Most vehiclesonly burn less than 50% of the fuel injected into your cylinder because of a lack of Oxygen and Hydrogen] The lower your mileage directly relates to the lack of your engines efficiency. Increasing the efficiency of the burn provides a requirement of less fuel [less pedal being required to achieve/maintain speed.] Visit our web site and register today. We seek local sales staff and installation locations. Call 651-789-1830 for more information.

Hydrogen – Water as fuel Amazing video showing what is possible with water as a fuel source.
Video Rating: 4 / 5