The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. hydrogen is very useful for cars, as when you burn it with the engines, it becomes water and zero pollution. Ethanol doesn’t pollute as much as natural gas.

  2. Bio-fuels can result in air pollution as they do not always achieve 100% combustion.

  3. When you use corn to produce ethanol the price of food goes up!

    Hydrogen might be the future fuel to use once they get the basics down to make it user friendly. Batteries used in Prius type hybrid cars have a problem with disposal of old batteries and even making the batteries can be dangerous. Maybe that will improve in time.

    You don’t mention what country you are in. In the US they have one of the world’s largest source of coal! Coal can be converted to both liquid or gas fuel and used for powering cars, heating homes and in industry. BUT the present administration will eventually stop all use of coal, or plans to do that if they can. (If Obama does get his way and stops the use of all coal that will also bring the price of gasoline and gas up too! More of that fuel will have to replace the energy we get from coal. Unless Obama will go for more nuclear power plants – fat chance of that too!)

    Liquid fuel from coal is nothing new. The German Army at the end of World War II ran their tanks and ships on ersatz fuel. That was 70 years ago! With today’s technology we can make liquid fuel that is no worse than using regular gasoline and the source is home grown! We will need a petroleum based fuel for the next 30 or 40 years anyway, why not have it come from our our own country. But this will probably never happen under the Obama administration.

  4. At present we burn about 17 million barrels of oil every day.If U add all the alternative fuels it will not equal 1 million barrels.

  5. its a sop to make people feel like they r doing good but is just a money maker for alGore and special intrest groups [farmers GE]

  6. Hydrogen is very reliable. Japan has a car that runs on water. What more can you ask for? It’s already in production and on the streets. Get that car and you don’t have to buy the gas for your car to run. Just fill the tanks with water. Hydrogen is the only fuel that has no pollution.

  7. Very reliable. I have been using ethanol for 3 years now in my cars. It is cheaper than gasoline, burns cleaner, and we’ll never run out of it. And my money stays here instead of going to saudi arabia. Ethanol combusts at a temperature 500 degrees cooler than gasoline while delivering 10-15% more horsepower. It is a great fuel.

  8. reliability? in what way? Like, will these fuels work reliably in a vehicle? Is their supply reliable? Is the process to make them reliable?

I have a question about alternative fuel?

How reliable is alternative fuel? (ethanol, hydrogen, natural gas, etc).