Unspillable Alternative Energy Website


40 things God SHOULD have known: 1. The Universe began with light. (No Christians, God screwed up in verse 3 of Genesis because in verses 1 and 2 He already said He made the Earth and was hovering over “the waters” BEFORE there was light, and in verse 9 he said the world was first covered in sea, when it was too hot for puddle, and it wasn’t until verse 16 that He made the stars, so just don’t go there, ok?) 2. The light (energy) was too intense for anything else to exist. 3. Space expanded faster than light. Inflation, while still theoretical, is looking good). 4. Expansion reduced the energy density and allowed quarks to form. 5. All matter was formed from light/energy as per E=MC2. 6. Atomic nuclei remained “naked” for about 380000 years after the B of the Bang due to the intensity of energetic photons (particles of light). After this point electrons were able to bond to atomic nuclei. 7. Accurate ratio of size between an atom and the Earth. 8. Vast (and I mean VAST!) clouds of the simplest atoms (mostly hydrogen) were able to gather under gravity. 9. At the core of such clouds, when massive enough, nuclear fusion began and emitted light. 10. Hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium releasing “unneeded” energy (light/heat) in the process. 11. Accurate numbers of stars per galaxy. 12. Accurate description of the shape of most galaxies (ie, “discs”). 13. Each galaxy separated. 14. Each galaxy moving apart from all others at speed. 15. Accurate description of the numbers of
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I Am Too Cool For School. “There’s Antimony, Arsenic, Aluminum, Selenium, And Hydrogen And Oxygen And Nitrogen And Rhenium, And Nickel, Neodymium, Neptunium, Germanium, And Iron, Americium, Ruthenium, Uranium, Europium, Zirconium, Lutetium, Vanadium, And Lanthanum And Osmium And Astatine And Radium, And Gold And Protactinium And Indium And Gallium, And Iodine And Thorium And Thulium And Thallium. There’s Yttrium, Ytterbium, Actinium, Rubidium, And Boron, Gadolinium, Niobium, Iridium, And Strontium And Silicon And Silver And Samarium, And Bismuth, Bromine, Lithium, Beryllium, And Barium. There’s Holmium And Helium And Hafnium And Erbium, And Phosphorus And Francium And Fluorine And Terbium, And Manganese And Mercury, Molybdenum, Magnesium, Dysprosium And Scandium And Cerium And Cesium. And Lead, Praseodymium, And Platinum, Plutonium, Palladium, Promethium, Potassium, Polonium, And Tantalum, Technetium, Titanium, Tellurium, And Cadmium And Calcium And Chromium And Curium. There’s Sulfur, Californium, And Fermium, Berkelium, And Also Mendelevium, Einsteinium, Nobelium, And Argon, Krypton, Neon, Radon, Xenon, Zinc, and Rhodium, And Chlorine, Carbon, Cobalt, Copper, Tungsten, Tin, And Sodium. These Are The Only Ones Of Which The News Has Come To Harvard, And There May Be Many Others, But They Haven’t Been Dis-cavard.” March 29th, 2008 .:Please Rate, Comment, And Subscribe:. Xoxo *