The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. i dont see whats so bad about it considering its used medically and it makes you feel good

  2. i don’t know. i wouldn’t smoke it but i heard that it helps people with a certian dieasse. i think cancer!

  3. I also enjoy the chronic stuff!! I feel it is just like smoking a cigarette w/ a little kick to it! If booze is legal pot should be to….That’s just how I feel!

  4. Dude im with ya 700% we should start a petition or something and do a march or a sit in or something to GET MARIJUANA LEGALIZED

  5. Marijuana is not as bad as alcohol. I think the laws for smoking Marijuana should be the same as drinking alcohol.

  6. Very long…..but I did see the question, I looked for it ….

    Marijuana has been proven not to be as bad as alcohol. Marijuana does not even make the top ten deadliest drugs while alcohol makes the top five.
    The government does not know how to tax it, money talks. Look at what happened in America when the government tried to take away alcohol….the DEA was born!
    If marijuana was legal for everyone on a federal level look at all the jobs that would no longer be needed……all those poor cops and others would have nothing to do but go after real criminals!

    2010 elections there will be on the ballad to legalize hemp, check it out!

  7. not sure what your question is but, here’s my opinion

    Marijuana is neither physically nor psychologically addictive, like alcohol and tobacco. It is the best medicine in the world for stress, the number one killer in the USA, as well as for appetite loss,depression, and insomnia caused by many medications.

    The ONLY reason it is illegal is that it is a great material for textile manufacture and during the 1930s US cotton farmers lobbied against it, and the politicians, paid off by the cotton farmers, passed a law to make possession it a crime.

    If the US government would legalize and tax it they could eliminate the national deficit in just a few years.

    I broke my back a few years ago and suffer from chronic severe pain, I love it, and I smoke it just keep that to yourself though, don’t want those crooked politicians to find out. And it’s legal for medicinal purposes in NM, just across the road from me.

  8. Alright man, here is the thing, I believe its also a good thing at times, good kick out of the stuff and if you are one of the few who can control it great, However, if you are asking questions like “I am 18 have no job and no $ i am trying to get a loan for $900 and dont know how to go about it. help plz?” (Which i got off your profile) it’s probably not so smart. I dont understand why its illegal and tobaccoco and alchol isn’t really, but i do know its all harmful, but to not be a hypocrite i do them all and enjoy it, to a certain extent. Now studies also prove that it does make you lazy, and so does experience. Either way dude, pot is good, so is drinking, but everything needs a limit.

i want opinions on using cannabis as a biofuel

Question by Vincent V: i want opinions on using cannabis as a biofuel

Hemp as a biofuel

Did you know, The first diesel engine was designed to run hemp oil?


Did you know, it is estimated that hemp has approximately 25,000 uses? From food, paint and fuel to clothing and construction materials, hemp is used. There are even hemp fibres in your Red Rose® and Lipton® tea bags. And several cars made today contain hemp.
The oldest relic of human industry is a piece of hemp fabric (canvas) found in ancient Mesopotamia dating back to approximately 8000 B.C. The oldest surviving piece of paper was made over 2000 years ago in China and was also made from hemp fiber. In 2500 B.C. the pharaohs used hemp in the construction of the great pyramids.
Hemp was so important in England in the 16th century that King Henry VIII passed a law in 1553 which fined farmers who failed to grow at least one quarter acre of hemp for every 60 acres of arable land they owned. There was even a time in history for over 200 years when you could pay your taxes in America with hemp. In 1850 there were more than 8,300 hemp farms in the United States .
Every 3.6 seconds someone in the world dies of hunger. Hemp seeds are the most nutritious and economical solution to end world hunger. With an 80 percent concentration of “good fats” our bodies need for good health maintenance and protein with all eight amino acids plus optimum dietary fiber, hemp truly is a “perfect balance” food source.
The first diesel engine was designed to run on vegetable oils, one of which was hemp oil. In the 1930s Henry Ford produced an automobile composed of 70 percent hemp plastic which also ran on hemp based fuel and oil. In 2001 the “Hemp car” circled the North American continent powered by hemp oil.
The paintings of Rembrandt (1606- 1669), Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) and Thomas Gainsborough (1727- 1788) were painted primarily on hemp canvas, often with hemp oil based paint. Over 50 percent of all chemical pesticides sprayed are used in the cultivation of cotton. Hemp is eight times stronger than cotton and more air-permeable.
Hemp can grow vigorously (up to 16 feet) in 100 days without the use of harmful pesticides and herbicides… healthier for your skin and the environment.
There are so many uses for cannabis it unreal let me name a few:

  • George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other founding fathers grew it.
  • Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed cannabis.
  • The first bibles, maps, even Betsy Ross’s flag and the first drafts of the US declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made of cannabis.
  • Cannabis was the largest cash crop till the 20th century
  • In 1916 US predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from cannabis and no more trees had to be cut down.
  • Government studies show that 1 acre of cannabis equals 4.1 acres of trees.
  • In 1938 on the cover of popular mechanics the title read hemp called billion dollar crop. It was the first time a cash crop had the busyness potential to exceed a billion dollars.
  • Mechanical engineering magazine published an article entitled the most profitable and desirable crop that can be grown. It stated if cannabis was cultivated using 20th century technology it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the USA and the rest of the world.
  • Cannabis cultivation and production does not harm the environment.
  • It had a short growing period and it can grow in any state.
  • Cannabis would have brought America out of the great depression.
  • Cannabis has a higher quality fiber than wool fiber.
  • Cannabis grows to maturity in a short season where as trees take a life time.
  • Cannabis plastics are biodegradable.
  • cannabis seeds contain the highest amount of protein in all of nature.
  • Cannabis expands the arteries.
  • we have used 80% of our oil and gas reserves we need a renewable resource.

I also have proof their no toxins in the cannabis plant, the reason why THC stays in your system for so long. If it were a toxin, a poison or some foreign substance, the body would reject it and expel it. The body does not, It knows the active ingredient in cannabis is GOOD. Our own bodies tell us the truth. We need to stop believing these paid off government test and look at the facts. We support the leading two killers in the world (alcohol and tobacco) but ban the one thing that could help us the most, it dose not make any sense

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