Unspillable Alternative Energy Website


Question by Thurston: If Obama was on the Gulf Oil Leak disaster from Day One….?
Why did they tell us for several days after the explosion that “no oil was leaking” after the rig exploded and sunk into the water?

If Obama HAS been “on the crisis since day one”, as he has “consistently said”….Isnt this just FURTHER proof of his incompetence?

DAY 40: BP Says Top Kill results so far NOT looking good, and Obama is….on vacation.

Please, could someone explain to me how Obama has shown effective leadership in this epic disaster, or how Obama has shown any sign of competent leadership on ANY directive or policy he has “been on”?
Ash, he could have and should have instantly sent the navy and coast guard to asses the situation, instead of listening to BP who donated 1 million dollars to his election campaign when they told us all no oil was leaking out.
We do have our own underwater cams we could have sent immediately.
The coast guard would have needed an order from the president to investigate.

Best answer:

Answer by ash
Only insofar as he believed the initial reports that there was no leak. Remember? Or did you want him to put on a diving suit and jump on down there to check it out himself??

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