The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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9 Responses

  1. The only difference in the coverage would be a lot of ink on the relationship between Bush, Cheney and the oil companies (remember, they were both oil guys before they got into the White House).

  2. In a BAD way!!!! The LIBERAL / PROGRESSIVE media see thing 1 way…. THEIRS! The common folk need to be told how to think!!!

  3. It is an industrial accident. It could have happened no matter who was President.

    If anything, Bush relaxed regulations to the point that BP was allowed to operate without emergency procedures in place.

  4. The festering cozy relationship was boosted so much in the President Cheney years most of it is from executive privilege meetings. We aren’t allowed to know.

    But yes, the press IS pointing out, nearly every day
    I hear someone on cable media point out the connection Obama and Congressmembers currently have to protecting the fatcats within the oil industry.

  5. Remember all the anti-war protest when Bush was President. War is still going on. See any anti-war protesters screaming for Obama’s head. How about a media frenzy like Bush received for same. See any celebrities running to Iraq or Afghanistan complaining about how awful it is and screaming why are we still there?
    Does that answer your question? But then I suspect you knew the answer before you asked. The press has a left-wing bias and are proud of it. They are like 98 percent registered democrats. As for congress well which party is in power? Hypocrisy is alive and well in the American left.

  6. Oh, geez. The environmental impact of this situation is huge. The economic impact is horrendous. Seriously… I think people would have been just as outraged, all things being equal.

    Obama is all talk to the people while pandering to the oil companies. Bush would have done the same.

    When will people realize that Obama is George Bush, repackaged for the minorities that were alienated by the Bush administration?

    I wish I could go back to believing in our Officials… life was so much easier then.

If the BP oil spill had happened during the Bush years, would the press and Congress be screaming?

Why is the cozy relationship between oil companies and the president only important if the president is a Republican? But if the prez is a Dem, everyone is fine with it?