Question by Mr. Cool: Inexpensive way to make a Magnetic Motor?
I am entering a science fair, and I would like to make a magnetic motor. Does anyone know how i could make an inexpensive (under ) Magnetic Motor? Deadline is April 1st.
If you don’t know, than any other engineering projects would be great…
Thanks for the help! :)
I am not aloud to use a kit, but I am looking for a magnetic + coils + battery motor.
Another Version I have considered, is a steam turbine powered. That might be easier… I don’t know. Any ideas would be great. :)
Best answer:
Answer by Paulusgnome
If you mean a motor that just uses magnets alone , it is generally considered that it cannot be done because it would violate the laws of thermodynamics.
If you mean a motor that uses magnets + coils + battery, it can be done quite easily. I have seen kits on sale in electronics shops for just this, and I recall helping my then 6-year-old daughter to build just such a kit.
Depending on the level of cleverness required for your science fair, then, you are looking at something that would either get you a Nobel prize for proving the world’s scientists and engineers wrong, or something that is probably a little too simple for a science fair project.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!