www.riverwired.com Ever wonder what it would take to turn your car into a green machine? With biodiesel, turns out it’s not as hard as you might think. We’re in Asheville, NC with the folks from Blue Ridge Biofuels, who explain how to make a “seamless” transition to fueling up with biodiesel including where to fill up and how much it will cost. We also find out what farmers and truckers think about the infrastructure of biofuel. And for all you DIY fans out there, we even catch a glimpse at how to fill up with plain, old, unprocessed vegetable oil. Meet the people who are driving biodiesel forward
12 Responses
not true you cannot run biodiesel in any diesel vehicle. newer diesels with dpf does not burn very well and slides down the side of the cylinder walls, the dpf cools the exhaust and does not allow for complete combusiton and actually increaes consumption
not true you cannot run biodiesel in any diesel vehicle. newer diesels with dpf does not burn very well and slides down the side of the cylinder walls, the dpf cools the exhaust and does not allow for complete combusiton and actually increases fuel consumption
I have a question about Bio Fuel. does it have a shelf live. Also does the W.V.Oil have a shelf life pry-er 2 mixing it 2 make Bio fuel. Thank You
what about the biopetrol??
some people say it affects the mileage by 1 or 2% but i find i get the same mileage and more power
does biodiesel affect the cars mileage in any way?
The filtering & ‘washing’ (wet or dry) is key for having a cleaner biodiesel. If you don’t do a good job of filtering it down to ~5 microns and/or your washing technique doesn’t remove the majority of methoxide, then, yes, you are prone to more gelling/clogging. But that happens with any source (algae, soybean, yellow grease, etc). I’m no diesel tech, but I do speak from 1st hand experience with making biodiesel for my 2 vehicles (VW TDI & Dodge Ram) w/o any gelling issues.
I think you need to do some homework Im not trying to be a smartass but most bio at the pump is all made out of SOYBEANs and they pay farmers gov. subsidies for not making enough bushels to the acre of a crop and algae is hurts a diesel it comes from bio it forms a wax in the tank that cloggs filters injection pumps lines injectors and I bet that guy at the end has spent twice as much on filters in one year than the last year he ran #2 diesel im a part time diesel tech I dare to prove me wrong
Stoner, do some homework. Most biodiesel sources don’t compete with food crops. You may be thinking of ethanol and corn.
Also, did you know that the gov’t pays farmers to NOT grow crops on ther farms depending their crop and demand? This is a great case for harvesting biodiesel resources. Lastly, algae as source is pretty promising…yielding 20-30 times the output compared to tradional sources.
Awesome! Drive your way to SUPER expensive
prices at the grocery store! YAY! hehehehehehehehehehe!
vegetable oil is not “biodiesel”.