The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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2 Responses

  1. Bio-diesel will work in any diesel engine, while gasahol (gasoline and ethanol blend) will only work in certain concentrations. A mixture of 5% ethanol (E-5) is a common winter fuel blend and is safe for use in all gasoline powered cars, while E-85, which is 85% ethanol, can only be used in vehicles that are designated as “Flex-Fuel” capable.

  2. all vehicles produced after 2002 have to be E-15 applicable.. as in 85% gasoline and 15% ethanol, also all gasoline in the US is E-10 as in 10% ethanol.. however their are newer biofuels that work better than ethanol and don’t require a change in engines to run.. such as algae-fuel and macro-algae fuel, which have insane possibilities.. ex.. a watermass the size of maryland could replace all fossil fuels used in the united states alone.. the same size land mass with whichever bio-mass (corn, soybeans, ect) used wouldn’t yield 30% of our nations fossil fuel consumption

is biofuel applicable to any kind of engine?

if bio fuels have machine that would only work with the fuel that use. will it be possible to use it on other machines or vehicles? thanks!