The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

12 Responses

  1. Energy conservation is always a worthwhile pursuit, but to be told to do it is infringing on my rights as a consumer. California wants to regulate your home thermostat. Are you okay with that? I’m not. Too much state control if you ask me.

  2. Yes, conservation is a worthwhile pursuit, when applied in the proper context and not “for show” stunts like “earth hour.”

  3. Efficiency means my bills are lower and my money is spent more conservatively, i.e. more dollars stay in my pocket.

    So I have no problem with reducing energy expenditures and improving efficiency. There’s no logic in doing otherwise. In fact, doing otherwise is just downright stupid.

    Earth Hour was an advertisement for conservation. It wasn’t intended to save the world by itself. It’s just a reminder to get people in the habit of turning the dang lights off if you’re not in the room. It’s no different than a “please don’t litter” commercial.

  4. When Al Gore goes green at his mansion and flies commercial i will consider it.!!

  5. They complain about useless money going down the drain to is the ironic part.

    Because each year in America I think its like 12billion dollars is down the drain because of people who waste energy.

    So those conservative republicans who wanted to get back at the “stupid liberals” on earth day wasted energy. And they are the type of people to blame for such the waste.

    It just doesn’t make sense why they complain about useless spending when they support it unconsciously.

  6. Energy conservation and efficiency go together. That’s part of the definition of efficiency.

    Sacrifices are made in research and development. It does no good to win battles only to lose the war.

    Keep sight of goals and priorities. We can only go with what we have.

  7. For the right reasons, it’s very worthwhile, but the biggest beneficiaries from this “Green Movement” are large corporations, not the middle and lower classes.

  8. Absolutely. Energy conservation is the number 1 cheapest energy source. Often, buildings can be made to conserve more energy simply by learning how to design them more efficiently, with no increase in upfront costs. For example, in manufacturing, if you make pipe joins less than 45 degrees, it reduces the pressure needed to pump the material. It doesn’t cost anymore, but you have to know it. There are millions of examples like this.

    Not joining in the Earth Hour by the Pubs was simply a reflection of their pathological psychological state that we have seen so often here. The insults, the mocking, the smearing. I have been rightly critized that not all pubs do this – but most here do and it is really disgusting behavior. Hopefully they will grow out of it.

  9. Of course it is.

    Earth Hour was a symbolic gesture. I’m guessing that’s what some objected to.

    “Human Achievement” — funny. Reversing globl climate change would be one heckofan acheivement, as would converting to SANE sources of energy.

Is energy conservation a worthwhile pursuit?

Some partisans rejected calls to celebrate “Earth Hour” by turning off their lights and electrical equipment. Instead they celebrated “Human Achievement Hour and tried to use as much energy as possible.
Was that a sensible course of action? Is the goal of energy conservation and improved efficiency worth making sacrifices to achieve?