The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

21 Responses

  1. I hope so.
    It is sort of like Jan Brewer using migration to get a racist law passed, huh?
    Dems are learning.

  2. Did repukes used oil spill to attack Obama for repuke’s failures ?…LOL
    I wish Obama was much more aggressive and demolish the party of idotic NO once and forever…It’s about time

  3. Because Obama will PROFIT from the energy bill personally, I think this was a planned event. But that’s just my skeptical nature.

  4. No, it was Bush who created the spill because he couldn’t wait for hurricane season to create another Katrina to wipe out black people.

  5. That’s the MO . “Never let a crisis go to waste ” Rahm Emmanuel . Exploit it : My interpretation

  6. Yes he will do that if he can. I am always amazed at how people are fooled into thinking companies like BP are going to pay for things like this disaster. The consumer is going to pay for this disaster at the pump. And Obama is going to make it even worse by adding his “Vision for the Future” baloney on top of the bill. The sad part is the people who will be hurt the most are the people at the bottom. The ones who overwhelmingly voted for Obama.

  7. Put nothing past a Chicago thug calling himself a politician ! Anyway , the South has a way to clean up Obama`s` mess in the gulf !
    “Red-Neck Oil Spill Solution”….

    The politicians and other liberall idiots will probably want to spend $Millions and more for a panel of engineers , movie directors , and professors ( all who like OWEbam know nothing about leadership ) to study the problem, and then most likely won’t find the simple solution these good ole ‘Southern boys have….

  8. He sure is using it to push his cap and trade bill and I also think he will use it as a power grab to regulate the oil industry. Just more power for a bigger government.

  9. You bet ya, as Rahm said never waste a crisis, and he isn’t about to, some say he had something to do with the explosion, who knows, he certainly is trying to benefit from it

  10. 0bamas days are over now. The American people (good majority) have woke up finally and starting to put real change in place!

Is obama using the oil spill disaster as a way to get an energy bill passed?