The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

11 Responses

  1. How many times have you already asked the exact same question?

    Two, so far, but I’m still counting.

  2. McCain is the one who wears $500 loafers, and you think Obama is an elitist? Do you know what that word means?

    There is no conspiracy. Obama is winning because more people want him to be president than McCain. That’s not a conspiracy – that’s how democracy works. If your chosen candidate loses, it’ll be because he couldn’t get enough people to vote for him. Learn to live with loss and stop chasing shadows.

  3. Typical American racist can’t handle the fact your probably going to have a black president – yes he’s black, now get over it you bunch of rednecks.
    We had a WOMAN prime minister and one who was rumoured to have been GAY…. wow!!!!
    It wasn’t a conspiracy it was just the way things turned out.
    Why the hell would anyone want McCain anyway he’s old duffer with backwards ideas.

    Also what is with you nutters that keep saying ‘they all met up in a room one day and decided this and that….’
    It doesn’t work like that.
    Did they all meet up in a room one day and decide that people were now going to eat more Burger Kings than McDonalds??? There are billions and billions of people in the world – 20 ‘elitist kn*bs aren’t going to have that much effect on anyone’

  4. no, its just a bunch of misguided people who are fooled into beleiving there is a difference between the 2 corrupt parties.
    the fact people admit there should be a third party and then submit to the thinking it is a wasted vote is another problem.
    There were a lot of people here who wanted to stay under english rule in 1776, but we got over that, i still hope we can overcome the partysheep mentality one day.

  5. of course there is as is evident in the coverage of Obama going over to Iraq he had the three anchors of the major news networks going with him to video and report on his every move where were they when McCain was there? Hit with all of the things he has stated with facts then he retreats behind another set of words such as hope and change, and he has the hollywood stars behind him as well as all the big money like Oprah ect so you can see they want the average person to have to not think for themselves on this but to simply vote obama

  6. I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but your a moron. The only conspiracy is on the liberal left. It is there where the elitist are keeping gas prices high, keeping food prices high, and out of control spending.

    The liberal left are the people trying to move this country towards socialism. The longer the people starve, the closer we get towards socialism. It is them that have the most to gain.

    You want revolution? Then take away my freedom, elect your socialist messiah, and watch middle America take back control of this great nation

  7. The fox has been in the hen house for 7 1/2 years. We are living the results.

  8. Nothing different is being done to get Obama elected that has not ever,or has been done to get Bush, Reagan etc. elected its mighty funny how, when a Black man is going to be your President now y’all can see all kind of conspiracy’s, lies etc. but when your own is running everything is A OK, and for some reason y’all are blind! WHAT EVER!!!!

    Y’all can kiss my AZZZZZZZ!!!!

Is there a conspiracy at the highest level to get Obama elected?

Lurking behind the scenes of the American taxpayer, is a force of elitists hellbent on changing the course of history: a conspiracy to elect a President.

A bad economy is bad news for Mccain and Republicans.

In 2004 this elitist group met behind closed doors. They decided that the only way to creat societal change in America was to hit Americans where it counts: in the pocketbooks. And the only way to do this, was to center on the American dream of home ownership. Prices were aritically driven up by allowing banks to approve and Tom, Dick, or Harry for a mortgage. And Americans did what they do best: buy, buy, buy. In fact, they bought until they couldn’t afford it anymore.

In alliance with the housing sector, prices were aritifically driven up for for oil, as middle east nations saw their chance to influence the election and put someone else into office besides a republican. The world loves Obama, and they could easily influence our supply and demand for oil by raising prices. They knew that Americans had to have their homes, no matter the cost, so this was the perfect vehicle for their plan.

This elitist group has tanked our economy and now housing feels more like a prison for many American families. But Obama will have their vote, because they will have no other option but for change.

The 21st century Civil War is happening, but not on the battlefields of Antietam and Gettysburg. It’s happening financially in the home of every American. Come November, the only choice president’s will be for 1. Barack Obama………..or 2. Financial Ruin.

Make sure you choose correct, the future of our livlihoods lives in the balance.