Question by SupaStar: Is this the GOP platform?
1) If you or your children want to go to college, you must be a snob.
2) If you want access for your children to medical insurance, but can’t afford it, tough.
3) Women are too stupid to make their own decisions, politicians need to tell them what to do.
4) Pumping more oil will reduce the cost of gas, even though we are now pumping more oil, and gas prices keep rising.
5) Obama sent more troops into Afghanistan, killed Osama bin Laden, killed most of the top al Quieda leaders, so he is soft on terrorism.
6) Obama pulled out the troops from Iraq on the time-table set by Bush, so he supports al Quieda.
7) Obama spent 20 years in a Christian Church, so he is a secret Muslim.
8) Obama bows to Saudi dictators, and does not kiss them and hold their hands like Bush did, so he is a wimp.
are there other points to the GOP platform I missed?
I think I have another:
9) All decisions will be decided on the premise of WWJD?
Best answer:
Answer by realistic girl
In addition to your list…this is also their platform (tomorrow).
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