The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

24 Responses

  1. I hope the economy fucking collapses soon, I can’t fucking make it out here so I’m going active duty army, shit, I was already national guard.

  2. OCTOBER 20, 2005 – Bullets, Unemployment and Bankruptcy – James McMurtry Makes It in Dayton by RANDY SHIELDS
    The song met the town. Last Sunday night James McMurtry performed “We Can’t Make It Here” (see counterpunch org 9/30/05 for all the lyrics) at the Canal Street Tavern in Dayton, Ohio. Dayton gets mentioned in the song as the hollowed-out shell of manufacturing that it is

  3. death to ceo’s and every prick and pricket that calls themselves a politician .

  4. Out-sourcing, Down-sizing, tax-breaks for the wealthiest 1%, and the GOTea-Party think this is the way it should be…

  5. wow, how true. lost my job after 26 years. had a total hip replacement. after doc let me go back to work was let go because my job was terminated. i had trained my replacements ,,,,,,,, oh well. whats a man to do other than laugh and play music.

  6. I first heard this song on Chicago’s WXRT about two or three years ago, and I thought to myself, this is better than any Steve Earle song!!!! Sadly, not enough people people are singing about “reality” and the ones that are, like this gentleman, can’t get exposed to a larger audience. No one wants to hear the TRUTH, until it knocks on THEIR door, and then, IT’S TOO LATE! Thanks for posting patriotic, american music!!! Peace & Happiness, always~Jason

  7. They gave all our good stable jobs to Chindia and surrounded us with box stores and cookie cutter restaurants.

    How did you guys feel this last 4th when the fireworks where going off? Didn’t feel the same like it used too- was a scary feeling.

  8. It’s both partie threw and threw N.W.O. either way either by war or the welfare state


  9. Depressing…. Our so called leaders sold us out to globalization/China – Watch they’ll probably attack us someday.

  10. Canada and the U.S. share so many things, both built by Judeo Christians, share the same type of coinage, same language ( except Quebec, but they don’t count), fought the same conflicts since WW1,(except Vietnam), we have thousands of illegal immigrant workers here also, it only makes sense for Americans to come here and work, they would fit right in, why does our government always evade this proposal?

  11. In Canada there are also thousands of people out of work, while we have thousands of illegal immagrants running loose, we also got shafted with the stupid free trade joke, although our financial situation is a little bit better, I have along with millions of other Canadians always wanted both countries ( U.S. and Canada) to become one .

  12. Don’t hate the whites
    Don’t hate the blacks
    Hate the assholes who stabbed our backs!

  13. That’s the problem.. Bill Clinton was a DINO. I’m old enough to remember when the Dems were the party of the working class. We no longer have that representation. But the Repubs are very astute at dividing the 99% class who have no money no power and no jobs by turning us against each other with a lot of bullshit about race, immigration, sexual orientation, etc.
    I say vote out any incumbent regardless of party, then we’ll have they’re attention at least

  14. we need heavy tariffs on foreign goods -especially Chinese-which by the way the rich CEOs , had they moved to china, would have been stripped of all their wealth. It is still a communist country

  15. If you want somebody to thank…..thank Bill Clinton…..the NAFTA signing, underhanded, backingstabbing motherfucker of the ‘american people’.
    That’s the reason this country is where it is now…….Clinton when he signed that goddamned NAFTA shit…….HE sold out the hard-working americans that wanted to make it in the country that they call home.

  16. All political sides are to blame for this as well as we ourselves. Our only real vote is how we spend what little money we have. So buy from your family, friends, neighbors. Hire your family, friends and neighbors. Work for your family, friends and neighbors. Invest in your family, friends and neighbors.

James McMurtry “We Can’t Make Here” Anymore

We Cant Make Here (Anymore) By: James McMurtry This song is so true to the times. Too many American jobs have been lost to offshore outsourcing, growth of illegal immigration and economic crisis. I wouldnt know where to begin to fix the crisis that we are in now, however I think that bringing our jobs back home would be the best stimulus package. PS2 #44 – Most Discussed (Today) – Nonprofits & Activism #56 – Top Favorited (Today) – Nonprofits & Activism #66 – Top Rated (Today) – Nonprofits & Activism “We Can’t Make it Here” Lyrics Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign Sitting there by the left turn line Flag on the wheelchair flapping in the breeze One leg missing, both hands free No one’s paying much mind to him The VA budget’s stretched so thin And there’s more comin’ home from the Mideast war We can’t make it here anymore That big ol’ building was the textile mill It fed our kids and it paid our bills But they turned us out and they closed the doors We can’t make it here anymore See all those pallets piled up on the loading dock They’re just gonna set there till they rot ‘Cause there’s nothing to ship, nothing to pack Just busted concrete and rusted tracks Empty storefronts around the square There’s a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere You don’t come down here ‘less you’re looking to score We can’t make it here anymore The bar’s still open but man it’s slow The tip jar’s light and the register’s low The bartender don’t have much
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