Question by allycat10207: Magnetic Motor?
Why can’t motors be made out of magnets to power cars?
Best answer:
Answer by Peter K
The probable reality is that the Oil Industry is the power/energy group in control and has had a hand in suppressing magnetic tech. The world operates in a fuel burning economy; although that has to change to at least hydrogen burning if not a “Non-Burning Energy Economy.”
It is going to take the severity of climate change to really break the monetary concrete of the current energy economy to change to advanced technologies. It would probably be better for the economy if everyone continued to use internal combustion engines so that many jobs [in manufacturing] could be maintained – just split and burn water for the car and the home.
However, there is little doubt that magnetic drive generators are around and are working. Search engines provide info from Japan, Australia, Ireland, Europe, etc. Nicolai Tesla was using free-energy technology in the early 20th century.
Will magnetic motors make market and run our cars?… I believe after a time – they could. Someday, there is not going to be anyone that will want to suppress them…
Again, remember the importance of keeping some of the manufacturing of the current economic matrix intact, it would probably be better to run on hydrogen. Its cheap and clean – just need the proper equipment.
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