The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

31 Responses

  1. Hejsa Erik :-) “2500 sider som virkelig vil rykke din verden” HVOR finder
    jeg det? Er jeg meget interesseret i! Jeg er HELT klar over det (håndholdt
    osv.) det var for sjov at se om jeg kunne gøre det. Jeg har tænkt en del i
    resonans (du ved egenfrekvens) og rotation om eget massemidtpunkt). Giv lyd
    hvis du vil dele noget af dine “sider”. Mange hilsner Lisbeth

  2. hvis det er hånd holdt kan vi ikke rigtig bruge det til noget sorry hvis du
    virkelig vil udvide din tankegang så tjek 2500 sider som virkelig vil rykke
    din verden vh Erik K

  3. fidel; I’m cal because I’m more interested in the process of building the
    motor rather than the finished product. It’s the machining of the metal
    that is so exciting for me.

  4. I usually don’t answer to comments, but this one is a warning to all would
    be inventors. The plans you buy on the internet are so incomplete they are
    not worth the paper they are printed on. If you are a machinist and used to
    “winging it” then those plans will give you a vague indication as to a
    general direction, but the all important specifics are not there. Don’t buy

  5. John; Thank you so much for your kind words about my work. For me, it
    doesn;t matter if it works or not, it’s the journey that counts. I am first
    a machinist and the excitement of making something so complex got my spirit
    up and dancing.

  6. Hope you rechecked the strength of the magnets before final assembly.
    Magnet manufacturing is very unreliable even though they are pre-rated in
    strength. You may recieve magnets with 10% differences in power…

  7. you need 3 stators with the magnets at a 20 degree angle in the shape of a
    saw tooth pattern it will then it will run for as long as the magnets are

  8. Perhaps you should collaborate With someone that has the patient in
    machining skills but has more understanding of free energy generators.

  9. Nik, your craftsmanship and planning are superb. But you are on a wild
    goose chase. This thing will never run on its own. The laws of physics,
    which were laid down at the moment of the big bang, prohibit a functioning
    magnet motor from being a reality. Someone suggested Mr. Yildiz. He is a
    fraud. Just like the people you bought plans from. All the motors you see
    on YouTube that appear to be operational are, in fact, absolute fakes. if
    they worked, you could buy them at any hobby shop. Or on the internet. If
    it’s not for sale on Ebay, it probably doesn’t exist. Wooden frame,
    aluminum frame, prime numbers, orientation of the magnets. All pointless.
    Everywhere you have magnets pushing each other, you have two more
    attracting each other. It’s like trying to push your car while sitting in
    the front seat. Dozens of persons on Youtube working out of their garages,
    build these things every day. But 10,000 scientists who can send rockets to
    Saturn and build atom bombs simply can’t figure it out? After centuries of
    trying? To me, that’s a HUGE disconnect with logic.

  10. No, it is not real close. In fact it could never work in principle based on
    laws of physics. Sorry.

  11. Don’t you need to tilt your magnets and have some shielding for the
    opposing polarities? Or are you about to blow my mind?…. o_0

  12. Nice Hobby but not effective.
    You want free Energy? Take Solar, watercraft or wind craft, cost nothing

  13. plz use neodymium magnets the magnets you are using are of too low strength
    to push up the weight of the metal so your motor is not working

  14. The force required to bring two opposing magnets together is EXACTLY the
    same as the force that is released when they separate. Thus no net gain in
    force and thus rotation is thus impossible.

  15. 中国の唄ビデオで歌っているよ、

  16. Aluminum is the wrong material to use since it creats drag when in or near
    moving magnetic fields. Use brass or stainless steal.

  17. pagamos muito caro pela energia no brasil e o cumulo todos deve criar
    novas ideias e por em pratica tem vantade de ir morar la perto das montas
    de minas gerais e ter minha pro pia energia cem usar a do governo que MUITO

Magnetic motor spinning

Outer Black ring: Thick plastic tube (building stuff) Material: PE-HD Diameter/ø: 110mm, 11cm Thickness of “edge”: 5mm, 0,5cm MAGNETS INSIDE BLACK RING: (htt…

A mix slide show and video of the eighteen month process of building a permanent magnet motor. Does it work. . .not yet. If anyone has gotten this design to …
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