The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. @MrEnergyCzar I like this system. Unlike other systems yours works of a night too, mainly because you store your energy in a battery. Others use solar of a day, when most people are at work, therefore not using it, and grid energy of a night. Because of your battery storage you’re having the benefit of daytime solar energy at night. Magic:-)
    How much do you earn from selling excess energy back into the grid? Does the power company send you a cheque every month?

  2. @ianrkav it means that I produce 100 percent or more of what my home needs over the course of a year and no oil or gas is brought in. I really have a “carbon neutral” home which means I produce all my homes energy for the year plus an extra 20 percent surplus that goes back into the grid over the year…with my heat pump hot water heater now installed, I’m now making a ridiculous 160 percent of what my home needs or an extra 60 percent in preparation to power a plug in hybrid vehicle…

  3. The key here, for me at least, is the battery efficiency. How long will the batteries alone run the appliances, in normal everyday use, for?
    Also, what gases are emitted from the batteries during charge?

  4. Great video…I converted my home to a net-zero solar powered home that uses no oil or gas…I made a video about it called, “Preparing for Peak Oil”….

  5. thanks, its good to tell people ,there are alot out there with systems with no protection, just a fire waiting to happen

  6. 20 amp on charge controller, 6 amp in connection box on panel, 5 amp in plug coming out of inverter and 40 amp inline on battery leads.

  7. wheres you protection i saw no fuses from panel to controller or from batteries to circuits or inverter ,i didnt see any fuses very dangerous.

  8. Be smart – don’t pay any more electricity bills. more info: (Copy to your browser’s address bar)

  9. great work, nicely done and very understandable. good info. if you ever update, i’d like to see it on the TUBE.

  10. Brilliant! Great job on the system and video! I am planning on building a similar setup to power small devices such as cell phone chargers, small lights, and maybe a laptop computer.

  11. Excellent stuff. People like you are true pioneers. The more folk who do this then the better. Bring the likes of EoN to their knees.

    I am seriously considering this myself.

  12. Great Video, Nicely explained not to complicated. Do you mind me asking how much in total (roughly) you had to pay for the solar panel and batteries and all the controlling gear etc.?

My Solar Power System

Solar Power Explained in easy terms. panel purchased from