The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. Hiya HHOBALL, I enjoyed your visions for the future and I am of like mind. Its really good that you take the time and effort to share your visions with the World and share your thoughts with people that also care about the future of the Earth and all creatures that live on it.
    Keep up the great work, it is very much appreciated, kindest regards, Paul Hunter Cape Town South Africa

  2. Do you offer any plans or blueprints to make or build a resonant circuit?
    Or offer a kit to make one?

  3. I respect your opinion but i live 3 hours from the xogen site and i can conferm that it is not a scam. They have treated waste water with low amprage electrolysis for a while now. Our govenment in Canada is very interested in this system. Stan is only a scammer in your mind. He had 40 patents and a several million dollar contract he signed with the military before being poisened the next day. Look deeper into what you believe.

  4. I’m sure you have good intentions,
    but i’m afraid your way to naive, or you didn’t do your homework.
    Stan & Xogen are scammers, the
    other stuff is very inefficient,
    e.g; a TE cell 2%, a Stirling less the 25, and so on.
    And how do you thought of making the Hydroxy? From FF derived grid electricity?
    Were is the economical gain? Do the math please,the energy is not in the water, and
    TANSTAAFL you’ll put more into it then you’ll get out.
    Sorry no such a future for hydroxy like you dreamed about.

  5. I have been given another BBQ to experiment with so i am setting up the new one. I have spent two months on a delivery system for all applications. It is an electric solonoid valve system . This has proved to be a challenge, but, i am almost done. I will be posting videos again once i have finished it. There will be many new things i wil show in the next three months.
    Stay Safe.

  6. Hey man, Thanks. This gives me chills and makes my hair stand on end. I’ve been a passive observer of these technologies for many years. (not really set up for experimentation). I will finally have a chance to put some concerted effort into experiments by nov/dec this year. how’s the progress with the bbq? I’m australian and just love bbq’s! electric production is another 1 I’m interested in because my wife has land (a lot) in Borneo and it would be a shame for such a place to go to the dogs!

  7. In #3 Stan video I beleive, he said they controll the temp, by recirculating the burnt gases back into gas mixture…

  8. Thanks for the information and the up lifting video. i work with steam turbine and they have very few parts. After it goes thru the turbine it still has a lot of energy left in it that could be used to do something else. I have been getting slammed and it’s video’s like this that help keep “the ball” rolling forward.

  9. I’m finding more stuff by looking under ” peltier generator” youtube has some preaty cool stuff , but I found one few years ago that looked like a heater kinda , I just cant find it again.

  10. thanks for the info on the mini refriguraters and on the radiaters in the large units very good source

  11. Good luck with that , if you find anything we would all love to know. I’m not saying it cant be done , it would be the greatest thing ever discovered, a bunch of people are workinh like crazy trying to figure all this stuff out.

  12. i will respect your page and if any body knows of a good stan meyers cell vid in action hook me up the ones i have seen are far from impressive,they are very neet devices nun the less,and ps im not hard to convince any evedents im rong is requested

  13. I’m lookin for the TEC generator, havin a hard time, if you find it please post, I”ll do the same. I’m positive they are out there.

    I found a video of a littel robot running from a TEC with a candle under it , so maybe they do kick out some power.

  14. Very good videos!! A few ideas that more than one of us have in mind. Keep up the good work and stay motivated!

  15. I got some TEC’s from ebay, if I remember right they where 5 bucks for 2 140watt and I got a bigger 400watt for 12. I been real busy but I’ll pull one of them small ones out and fry it to see what happens .

  16. I respect your opinion and you dont have to delete shit! How stupid would i be if I was to be upset that someone has a different opinion! Respectfull debate yeilds great tresure. As long as you never have the disrespecfull attitude of Radarman!
    As far as meyers circut; 40 patents and 30 million dollar military contract gives me hope his info was real.
    Stay Safe

  17. Some one makes a TEC generator that burns propane and makes electric. Sounds like an easy swap to hho.

  18. i promiss to remove both comments after you read it so as to not stink up your page with comments on my comment sorry jeffco
    i wanted you to hear it like me or not.
    ps dont shoot the messenger

  19. i have seen the stan meyers cell in action
    and i have the opinion that the man is a frued based on my research sorroy for the negativity bro but im hear help write
    so if i am smart enough to tell you the videos he has and the research ive done saise resonence cells are a clever divice to obscure the truth its SUBTERFUGE
    plain and simple but im sure ill get hell for this comment the hho crowd is a particular breed they dont want to here na sayers but ive tried it and i say na on stan meyers

My Vision For Hydroxy Part2

This video concludes my goals for hydroxy gas. An important piece of information near the end.