* SALE * 9 + FREE SHIPPING Call (562) 945-8361 or visit us at www.mopedsgonewild.com No license required in many states when you’re riding one of these fuel efficient 49cc street legal gas Mopeds with pedals from HIGH STYLE MOTORING. These are available in Black, Red and silver and we ship to your door for just 9. If your looking for speed or superior hill climbing, we also can ship you one with the 72cc BIG BORE upgrade pre-installed. This kit gives you approximately 30% more horsepower and is delivered to your door for just 99. We can also remove the 72cc marking on the cylinder head if you want to travel in “STEALTH” mode and be the only one that knows this is not a 49cc ;) Here is what is included in the 72cc Moped custom install when you order from High Style Motoring HIGH STYLE MOTORING has been using this style of high quality BIG BORE products in our 49cc pedal Mopeds for several years now and they work flawlessly! Our mechanical facility has even have fine tuned them a bit over the last few years and have made them a seamless upgrade to these 49cc pedal mopeds. You will experience a marked improvement in all areas of performance including: * Enhanced Acceleration * Greater High End Torque * Climbing Grades * Top Speed * Keep in mind that while we are performing the upgrade and have the Moped partially de-crated, we take advantage of that opportunity to perform the following additional services at no extra cost to our out of state buyers: 1. Check the …

Satanic Federal Reserve Board cabal nuclear false flag: Multiple reliable sources are warning of an extremely horrific act by the criminally insane cabal behind the soon to be bankrupt Federal Reserve Board, possibly on November 11, 2010: 101109 or 11/9/2010, which has uncanny reverse similarity to 9/11/2001. Remember 9 is a sacred number for the Satanists. Indications for this include: the sudden cancellation of former USSR President Gorbachev’s visit to Japan scheduled to start on November 9, or 11/9, reports Obama will cancel his visit to Indonesia also on the same day, Hillary Clinton’s presence in New Zealand on that day, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Houston, Texas on that day to supervise a “nuclear terrorist drill,” and the use of skeletons to create the word Google on Google’s search engine home page. Senior CIA sources also say a nuclear bomb has been prepositioned along the San Andrea fault line. The explosion would be followed by a shut off of all ports connected to Asia and martial law, according to this source. At “BejaminFulford.net”. Turn off TV. Benjamin Fulford, Bill Cooper, David Icke, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, GE Griffin, Bill Hicks, Rafael Correa, Paul Craig Roberts, Carol Rosin, Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, Robert Arthur Menard, Yuri Bezmenov, Anthony J. Hilder, We Are Change, Luke Rudkowski, Jordan Maxwell, Webster Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Michael Badnarik, Jesse Ventura, Ted Gunderson, Brian Gerrish, Konstantin Petrov, Alan Watt, Walter E …
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