The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. Jesse, Check our thorium. In the beginning of nuclear power the banksters
    knew that thorium was cheaper and infinitely more abundant and could be
    used as a perfectly safe way to create power. They made one plant using
    thorium. But, that was scrapped in favor of uranium, because using uranium
    produced the fuel for nuclear bombs. Further, they placed all nuclear
    plants on fault lines or near running water as ticking time bombs. And,
    thanks for friending me. 

  2. Instead of making pipeline of oil, why not make a pipeline to bring water
    to Drought states from east coast. Food is more important as oil.

    Alternative energy will prevent a future meaningless war. 

  3. This is a perfect example of the flaws in Laissez faire Capitalism. When
    people acquire a significant amount of capital they have a comparative
    advantage over people that do not have any capital, in the race to acquire
    more capital. If the only motivation for people under Laissez fair
    Capitalism is the “invisible hand of greed”, then we get and ever widening
    gap between the Ultra rich and the poor, and a condition in which the ultra
    rich use their wealth to pass legislation to make them more wealthy at the
    expense of everyone else. I think this problem is more and more obvious,
    and I think we need a new economic system which places some restrictions on
    the powers of Capitalism, but not something which would be a complete polar
    opposite like communism, which has been a proven failure in places like the
    Soviet Union. 

  4. Mr. Ventura (I hope you read these!) Everything you covered in the banned
    episode of Conspiracy Theory : NWO police state is not at all new news for
    me but I truly appreciate that you gathered the evidence and recorded the
    ground work and placed it in this medium presentation, it not only
    reinforces the urgency of theses truths but it has become another valuable
    tool in the arsenal of exposure! Please, by all means, continue the good
    work, you are a very, very courageous man and your compass is strong and
    always pointing the right direction! I salute you sir!

  5. Jesse, check out Solar Roads.
    More bang for your buck is probably what the States are looking for as far
    as renewable energies.
    This could be a New Chapter in Society if it launches. 

  6. Are you f’ing KIDDING ME?! Taxing people for installing solar panels?! The
    hell is wrong with….

    I don’t know what to say to that. Here in Canada the Govt. will give you
    tax CREDITS for buying hybrid vehicles and making your home more energy
    efficient, but in Oklahoma you get taxed. Because progress & planet be
    damned apparently.


    EDIT: Oh wow Boehner, really? Pot & the fucking kettle much. 

  7. You know there isn’t much money in renewable energy. That doesn’t mean it
    can’t be done. I’d like to have solar panels but can’t afford them.

  8. Sad that the cock brothers have any say in the air we breathe. As long as
    the South continues to run the show, their claim to fame, oil, will be
    burned in every way possible. Marijuana could wipe out many of the
    industries based on oil. They wouldn’t disappear, just be green instead of
    black. The revolution is asleep. Awake Awake. Rise up and revolt. There is
    no other way to have the World you want.

  9. Currently, Hitler is the archetype for crimes against humanity. I predict
    that sometime in the future Hitler will be replaced by the Koch brothers.

  10. I now hate Jesse less, only because of this production. END THE 1%
    CHILDREN & UNBORN CHILDRREN WHOM OWN ^$100,000.00 in taxes.

  11. This just came out this year but there is a device called a QEC. Quantum
    Energy Generator. They stop every person trying to make free energy,
    taking all their stuff and info preventing them from making one for
    everyone. Then say the Earth is mess and they have no one to blame but
    themselves by not letting us make our free energy. I wish they would see
    how better this life would be if we would take care of each other rather
    then the size of their pocket book. YOU CAN NOT TAKE the money when you
    die so what is the point of having more than you need. Yes, stop the
    pipeline!!!! I like to keep my drinking water. Thanks

  12. All this online truth telling is fine, but are we really accomplishing
    anything? The “official” cause of 9/11 is an insult to the intelligence of
    every U.S. citizen. It’s been 13 years since that criminal act was
    perpetrated by greedy U.S. warmongers and not one damn thing has been done.
    And since then, so many similar operations have been pulled off I can’t
    keep up with them anymore. How in the hell did we get in this situation and
    how are we going to get out? Youtube vids ain’t gonna do it, I’m afraid. I
    would bet the farm that if an overwhelming majority of citizens voted
    Libertarian in the next election, we would still end up with a Republican
    or Democratic President.

  13. We need to use this to put people to work. We’ve been in dire need to
    update our electric and communication grids. We’ve been creeping along
    with those efforts.

    If they would approve(d) the bills put forth for infrastructure rebuilding
    and remove all these tax incentives for fossil fuels we’d take little time
    to get out of this rut the USA is in. If these corporations had insight to
    roll their cash into renewable energy instead of politics to continue the
    status quo we wouldn’t need to rely on the government to push this to

    Fossil fuel corps should be using their massive refunds to fund startups of
    renewable sources. Then they can keep their employees working. They may
    need to pay for employees to move to new work locations with first dibs on
    all new jobs created, but reach in those fat tax payer laden wallets and
    pay for them to move too!

    Instead they incite their workers with fear of jobless because of the EPA?
    Silly if not completely sad. If they lack any insight they don’t deserve
    to be in any kind of business. This is just an easy excuse for kids that
    inherited their families wealth/status to cash in their chips and say oh
    well we quit. Sorry guys… you coal miners lives are screwed, it’s not
    our fault blame Obama.

  14. Jesse I am laborer local 1091 think there is a lot more money in green
    energy for all trades. i think you can obtain clean coal through
    gasification of all carbon spewing boilers with new technology …and
    turning all cars into cars that can burn more than 2 types of fuels not to
    mention where we can go with the diesel engines help me get the unions on
    board. am i crazy idealist? 

  15. I’m about to go green. Installing solar panels. Because the city I’m in get
    subsidized by different companies no solar panel company will entertain my
    area. I’m doing it myself and other than internet I will be off the grid.

  16. the technology for powering your car with water has been around since the
    80s and they killed the guy who brought it out to the public. Oil can go
    fuck itself today. The problem is those idiots running the show are filling
    their pockets with oil money and will only profit off inefficiency instead
    of solving the problem. The solution is there but the pussys in washington
    stand in the way. im ready to see problem solvers not problem profiters.

  17. Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors. We can run the entirety of North America
    on 3000 tonnes of thorium as opposed to the billions of tonnes of coal,
    100s of thousands of tonnes of uranium, and trillions of barrels of oil…

  18. Amen! I always use the same argument for mass transit; “Have you been on
    the freeways lately? Wouldn’t it be great if they were 30% less congested?”
    I’m one of those people who would use mass transit instead. I don’t have a
    Porsche, and I don’t enjoy driving. I’d much rather read on a train than
    battle interstate gridlock! Besides, SOUTH AFRICA has high speed rail, and
    we lag behind them!

  19. Jesse, get your story straight, the oil Alberta sells to China will go
    Gateway…go ahead, keep buying Venezuelan oil…

  20. Is it up to citizens to save America? Are US citizens sheep or are they
    fighting tyranny? Is that the question? Or is it just a myth that people
    can fight back? I think our democracy is a myth. We the People arent
    represented in Congress. 

Oil conspiracy. Free energy technology suppressed development

Oil conspiracy. Free energy technology suppressed development.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The Earth is a mess! And Jesse Ventura knows we have to clean up Washington before we can start on our planet. So today on #OffTheGrid, he’s running down the…