The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. A year ago I would have said this was a crazy idea. Now, and I hate to say it, it is beginning to make terrible sense, and I think it is very, very frightening.

  2. I don’t even know, dude! >:(
    I’m mad! My cruise got delayed bc of this whole “oil spill” ishh! >:(

  3. you’ve pretty much answered your own question when you say “conspiracy”. they are all wrong. its like the faked moon landing which is ridiculous. anyone who believes it would need to go into some sort of a mental hospital

  4. Yeah… could I have a source. I’m not doubting what you are saying but I’d like to see more.

  5. The Obama administration deliberately allowed the spill to maximize and cause the most damage possible. They want this in order to make large, sweeping power grabs on the private sector under the guise of “never letting something like this happen again”.

    I don’t believe they CAUSED the explosion, just purposefully did nothing for the first several weeks.

  6. thank you for being sober enough to see what is 2 feet in front of you.

    the majority of people don’t want to know the truth on anything…

    they didn’t when they started rounding up jews…why would they now?

    good journey truth seeker…

  7. There are only two answers here:
    1. Obama is inept and has a very low intelligence level or,
    2. He’s waiting for something to use this spill to further his political agenda.

    Personally I think the latter. “Crime Inc.”

Oil spill conspiracy?

It is said that Obama declined help from at least 13 nations who offered help. Skimmers have been pulled off of the gulf and booms set in warehouses in New England and Texas without being authorized for use. After the explosion of the Deep Water Horizon, several tanker trucks have mysteriously blown up with explanations like “lightning strikes.” Hayward and large corporations mysteriously sold off half their stock before the Deep Water went down.

Could it be like the Senator Kyle illustration where BO said that he wasn’t going to secure the border because otherwise there would be no reason to vote for his “comprehensive immigration reform (amnesty in lay-mans terms). Maybe the oil won’t be allowed to be cleaned up, and oil industry related disasters will just continue to happen until Congress accepts their payoffs and vote in the Cap and Tax bill? Of course it’s probably just all crazy talk, huh?

What say you? Any chance we could actually think about our answers before we spew diatribe?
The Dutch were the first. Google it, study, and get informed.
Okay, okay. How about a vague reference from a liberal outlet?