A handyman is accused of using a Catholic priest’s own gun to kill him at a beachfront house in Mississippi, then taking his ex-wife and kids on a Disney World vacation in the dead cleric’s car, authorities said. (July 12)
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In this live feed clip you can see the bottom half of the flange they seperated and removed the last short piece of riser pipe that thet previously cut off and placed the cap over. By taking the flange apart now the will get a complete seal. You can see the new piece of pipe being lowered into the pipe. What a perfect fit. Now they just have to tighten the six bolts up. Notice there is immediately no oil or gas leaking. But at the top of this “transition spool” the oil still gushes. BP will now place a new containment cap #10 on this new pipe fitting and the will mate as good as this connection did. The bolts are not even tight and there no leak. Believe me thats good. There is no pressure to push any oil out. Keep up the great effort guys!
Video Rating: 5 / 5