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24 Responses

  1. ou think wrong..The muslimbrothers will take over the world eventually with jihad and YOU will have a shariah law..Why are arabs. leaders use palestian ppl as a tool?? WAKE get symphatie from the west so we go all hate jews, right?? Its all a cover up and ppl are gonna fall for it…One day you noticed that you were wrong, but than its to late..and ahmedinejad is laughing in the end.


  3. I wish I could share your enthusiasm, but try selling that idea in Ireland, where the religious war has been running for 400 years.

  4. Research: Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, The jewish conspiracy, A Devil in disguise
    Pre and post war encyclopedia and world almanacs show there are not missing 6million jews.
    Seek yee the truth and the truth shall set you free
    Typhoid killed the prisoners not gas. Thousands died in the camps not millions.
    Forensic evidence shows no sign of Zyklon-B in any alleged gaschambers for people.

  5. Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. I am not afraid to die in combat so I see no problem with killing the enemies of my faith. After all, God is clear in the OT that killing his enemies is really important and His command “Thou Shalt Not Kill” only applies to not killing his worshipers. As to what the Zionists think, I don’t much care, because blowing the heads of the followers of the Pervert Mohammed is a fitting end for those evil savages.

  6. You call yourself Christian and talk about killing the way you do ?
    You claim to study Theology and you ignore the sick content of the Talmud ?
    You are a PHONY and the Zionists are laughing behind your stupid GOY back.

  7. No seriously, there are few things I have done in my life that I felt were as good for the world as a whole as shooting rag heads. They’re a fucking Satanic plague of crappy low-dog evil. There is nothing they won’t do, and it’s all your fault somehow that they are total snake-belly scumbags . That is how their minds operate.

  8. I got my Doctorate from the University of Texas and got a scholarship to study at Tel Aviv university because they have many of the really old scrolls and access to all the holy sites for archaeology. I considered it an immense privilege to walk that close to the steps of Jesus.  I also got to see first hand what scum the Palestinians are. I would have loved to have been able to shoot them like I did to the rest of the rag heads when I was in the USMC back in the day.

  9. You have read both books and you chose to remain christian.
    That actually proves my point.
    Thank you !

  10. Sorry what ?  I have read both of those books. I have a Doctorate in Theology and I completed my qualification at Tel Aviv university. I’m not Jewish, I’m a Calvinist Christian of Anglo-Irish descent. In fact I have read most of the Hadiths as well, and a good many other Jewish texts. I remain a convinced Christian, more-so for my encounters, but I found Islam to be a despicable religion, far worse than Judaism, and I have never yet met a Muslim I would consider close to honorable or moral.

  11. You should compare Talmud and the Quran.
    After doing that you will not support any of them unless you are one real sick son of a bitch. Trust me.
    I would not mess with a Texan about this.

  12. Interesting idea of course Israel didn’t become a nation till what 47~48? So how did GB make good on a promise 30 yrs later? Also JP Morgan who ran American banking is totally a Jew lol!

  13. Dude i must leave the synagogue early because i haven’t got the fucking memo about any of this hahaha! I’m glad you guys love this fiction. Its avidly false but i also find it amazing that if we control anything how this would even be allowed but ok you guys are so smart!

  14. You know Muslims are paid to stalk the internet posting pro-arab muslim posts and comments. It’s called “STEALTH JIHAD” look it up, they actually pay muslims to troll the internet and post.

  15. if the jews control the world they most control youtube and if i was a jew with power i would use my superior power to blok this video a little piss of thought for you people…

  16. You know Muslims are paid to stalk the internet posting pro-arab muslim posts and comments. It’s called “STEALTH JIHAD” look it up, they actually pay muslims to troll the internet and post.

  17. this is ridicules i never saw a video with so many twisted facts but that is youtube for you…

  18. How could someone from England offer Palestine? Someone of education please explain….

  19. What can I say. I’m a Texan who studied in Israel to get my Doctorate in Theology. I like the Jews and I don’t like the Palestinians because they’re cultists of that corpse raping bandit Mohammed, and they, the Palestinians are all fucking hypocrites. If I have to choose between Zionism and you Islamic scum, yeah, Zionism every time, and I think most people in the USA think the same as I do.

  20. The rise of socialism is scaring me and I am not Jewish. Take a look at this:


  21. shoananas! dumbass… u idiots not even diserve ur land as u also colonised. zionist piece of shit that u are

pt.1/3 The Zionism Conspiracy | Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism; the latter term has been corrupted to where today its use is as a powerful word weapon smear tactic to prevent Americans from discussing, realizing, and reacting to the horrific danger that Zionism presents to not only our nation, but also to the peace, safety and freedom of the entire world. And that threat can be summarized as the Zionist’s “global agenda.” Few Americans are aware that the statist Jews that created Israel were under the direction, funding, support and protection of the Zionist, communist, Rothschild-led international banking cartel. And this group of secret, international bankers, often referred to as the Illuminati, was behind the Balfour Declaration, the Versailles Treaty, and America’s involvement in both World Wars I and II. Millions of people have been murdered, maimed, enslaved and impoverished by this secret, Zionist and communist banking cartel. And the Bush family has been on board with them and has been a key part of their operation, especially as regards their funding and support of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, since the 1920s. Before a real foe can be attacked, that foe must be seen and recognized as such. And before that foe can be stopped, one must know his immediate intent, his methods, and hopefully, his ultimate objective. The term “anti-Semitic” was created by the very same organizations that worked side by side with Adolf Hitler and his Nazis to exterminate orthodox, Torah
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