Unspillable Alternative Energy Website


Question by flashy d: Are those of you who voted for Obama proud of his inability to stop the Gulf oil disaster?
Especially since Obama announced right before the “Top kill” attempt that he was full in charge of the situation? I guess his theory that the “Top kill” was going to work didn’t work out did it?

So, plan B was to open a criminal investigation against BP even as the hole continues to spew black gold all over the coast!

Best answer:

Answer by zzsleepur
Oh yeah…working on it from day one. NOtice how they cleaned up the beach for him BEFORE he got there…and they haven’t done anything since.

The man does not care. FIVE STATES ARE BEGGING HIM FOR HELP and it took what…almost 6 weeks to get a response? Bush was there in two days……and he is still getting blame. HE was there from DAY ONE asking people to leave……BOZO just plays everyone against each other.

he has an issue of cap and trade to pass…that is what this boils down to.

His popularity is way down and this is his way of passing yet ANOTHER MONEY EATING MONSTER AND TAKING PRIVATE INDUSTRY AND STOPPING IT!

LIBERALS will fall for it…..sane people will condemn him for it.

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