Question by : Are You Happy to Cheat Us?
Human Rights Commission Jeneva-world governments cheating
We deserve all of the negative natural disasters as we humans have produced too much of negative energy(Evil Actions) in the name of Evil.Negative energy attracts(Evil Actions) negativity and that’s why we are having Tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, mudslides, sink holes, volcanoe eruptions, droughts, famines, pendemics more than ever.
only GOD can judge the contents of a mans HEART and his thoughts we on the other hand only judge the OUTWARD appearance only the top surface of what we see.
Government Cheating-
governments can cheat/threat/kill refugees-
governments can cheat/threat/kill poor people(Labors,fishermen,street workers etc)
governments can cheat/threat/kill minority communities
governments/people can’t cheat nature
People destroy the nature by doing the following things-
-people build cities.
-They use plant species for medicinal uses.
-The cut down tree’s to use the wood for furniture, paper and etc…
-They take animals and wildlife species into public places like Zoo’s.
-Logging,plam oil,cattle,farming.
The destruction of the Amazon would result in widespread flooding (worlds largest river system and flood plain), massive climate change resulting in the deaths of millions and the vast resources and natural treasures of the Amazon (most not yet discovered) being lost.
Consequence-Nature Will Take his revenge( (children/people/governments) For animal killing,Nature Treasure Hunt(cities,destruction of forests.)
Best answer:
Answer by Green Locust
Mother Nature ( it’s her not his ) and yes they are evil, they are influenced by evil since the beginning of man kind, creating negativity ( evil )
The goverment is controlled by this negativity and this alien negativity needs to stop.
I hope something good happens in 2012 on the 21st of December :) I pray for the destruction of the evil forces.
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