The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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4 Responses

  1. Well not horse whipped or anything like that but they should pay for every loss no matter how big or small and up to the time those people get back to work doing what they was doing even if it takes years

  2. Why do you want punishment? Is it for revenge or correction? Revenge won’t get you anywhere it might mean some chaiirman has to resign somewhere and to ‘ease’ his going gets an almost immoral severance payment.

    It maybe that when a corporation+ government do something new and potentially risky a notional disaster sum has to be agreed and lodged (at least partially) before the go ahead is given in case it goes wrong.

  3. Of course, they’re drilling into oil underground and NOT figuring out what would happen if they fucked up. That’s like me just going to the nearest baby seal and clubbing it to death in front of law enforcement, and expecting them to applaud me.

  4. They hit a gold mine of a oil well down there and now can’t wait to drill “relief wells” supposedly to relieve the pressure of the one from hell. Hopefully, they will not botch the relief wells also as then we may have 3 gushers from hell to deal with instead of one. Don’t feel good about any of this. Some things are better left alone.

    Obama should get BP out of there and let some other oil drillers in there with better track record than BP. BP has too many violations and too many accidents. They are far from believable and lacking in credability at this point.

Q&A: do u think bp should be punished?

Question by fitzerhorse: do u think bp should be punished?
for virtually ruining the livlihoods of many americans? also, the top kill failed. CURSE BRITISH PETROLEUM!

Best answer:

Answer by † PRAY †
The punishment should be to pay the whole bill.
With the spill continuing on they are around 2 billion dollars in cleanup and lost wages into the future. They need to pay the whole thing.


Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!