Question by gws35: Does 0bama’s inexperience come shining through, for letting the fox advise him on how to run the henhouse?
Just weeks ago, the Obama supporters were defending his lack of experience by saying “He has advisors.”
Now it seems his advisors are THE OIL COMPANIES.
Why did Obama seek advice from the fox on how to run the henhouse?
Why did he let BP talk him into letting them lower a big box to catch the oil, while the worst oil spill in history was forming?
Why didn’t he order Top Kill from the beginning, instead of wasting time with a big box that didn’t work?
Is this what happens when you put someone with no experience in charge of the USA?
Best answer:
Answer by BlackhawksRule!
Not at all. BP was/is in charge, not the government or Obama. As with any person, you let the experts give you advise and direction. They can only try one process at a time. You fail to understand this event is unprecedented. You are also only interested in attacking the President. Your anger and ignorance over ride logic and rational.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!