The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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6 Responses

  1. It is a shame that bozo didn’t take this opportunity and do his job and help this country. Instead he is going out and doing nothing..!

    PERCEPTION is EVERYTHING and this man has given us much to believe that he does not care about this country. Giving millions and billions to HAITI and other countries and not helping his own…failing to do a federal job that is HIS JOB!

    Taking care of borders and this country is his business and he has failed except to push through a progressive agenda.

    CANNOT WAIT until we don’t have to see his ugly face on TV anymore.

    THIS IS HIS JOB PEOPLE….when the accident happened it was HIS JOB to protect this country and help those states that were screaming for help. THEY HAD SOLUTIONS AND HE REFUSED TO ALLOW THEM TO IMPLEMENT THEM. NOW they are going to do it anyways…..and like AZ ..bozo will probably file lawsuits against them too.

    HE is good at that. HE learned to file lawsuits while in ACORN and has continued to do so ever since. EVEN AGAINST STATES!

    WHAT A POTUS…..dragging states through courts when he should be helping them.

  2. Ha ha Well he fired that woman in charge of MMS because whoops,she did what Obama told her to do.Obama is more concerned about taking vacations and helping his limping party get re elected.Vote them all out..both parties now in.

  3. WARNING: my answer is going to be LONG and RANTING. Obama is either really stupid or really smart. He has no experience and he doesn’t listen to anyone but the liberals he has in his pocket. He didn’t order top kill either because he had some kind of hidden agenda or because he is completely stupid. The Obama fan wagon is dispersing and the only people left on it are the liberals who don’t no any better. He is even beginning to lose the support of the main stream media, which, as a conservative, I am personally okay with.

  4. Your not very well educated are you?

    First, a Top Kill has never been performed 5 miles under the Ocean. Why would you try an experiment as your first option?

    BP has the engineers and equipment for working 5 miles under the ocean. Please show me which department of the U.S. government has deep water drilling engineers and equipment.

    How many politicians have years of experience and knowledge of deep water drilling?


  5. I have a better question. Who would you have asked about how to stop the leak? Who else has the expertise and equipment? The Coast Guard and the US Navy couldn’t have done it so just what would you have done in his shoes? Seems you don’t try too hard to walk in anyone else’s shoes, so you won’t be able to answer this question anyway.

Q&A: Does 0bama’s inexperience come shining through, for letting the fox advise him on how to run the henhouse?

top kill bp
by dmixo6

Question by gws35: Does 0bama’s inexperience come shining through, for letting the fox advise him on how to run the henhouse?
Just weeks ago, the Obama supporters were defending his lack of experience by saying “He has advisors.”

Now it seems his advisors are THE OIL COMPANIES.

Why did Obama seek advice from the fox on how to run the henhouse?

Why did he let BP talk him into letting them lower a big box to catch the oil, while the worst oil spill in history was forming?

Why didn’t he order Top Kill from the beginning, instead of wasting time with a big box that didn’t work?

Is this what happens when you put someone with no experience in charge of the USA?

Best answer:

Answer by BlackhawksRule!
Not at all. BP was/is in charge, not the government or Obama. As with any person, you let the experts give you advise and direction. They can only try one process at a time. You fail to understand this event is unprecedented. You are also only interested in attacking the President. Your anger and ignorance over ride logic and rational.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!