Question by The End: Does it not seem like this Arab-Israeli conflict is a big fraud ?
I do not understand the claims that Israel came and drove out the “rightful owners” stole from and killed the “Palestinians”. It contradicts history.
There has never been a civilization or a nation referred to as “Palestine”, how can a “country” be taken from them if the country never even existed in the first place? Israel however was a nation established in 1312 B.C., that’s like, 3000 years ago. King of ancient Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar killed or expelled many Jews, but many were allowed to remain and they rebuilt Israel, and also the 2nd temple.
When the Roman Empire marched through ancient Israel and destroyed the Second Jewish Temple, slaughtering or driving out much of its Jewish population in 70 A.D. Many Jews left on their own because conditions for life were made unbearable, but thousands upon thousands stayed and rebelled on for centuries in order to once again rebuild a Jewish Nation.
Through over 3000 years, all kinds of empires, peoples (including Arabs), religions, marched through Jerusalem, Israel’s capital, but none of them bothered to establish the country as their own, except the Jews. Not just that, the Jewish empire was on that land way before Islam even existed. Archeological findings, potteries, national coins with Hebrew texts and all that support that there was a continuous presence of Jews in Israel through out over 3000 years. How then can anyone say Jews suddenly appeared right after the Holocaust? They made the country, they built it, many were killed, driven out, or left on their own but many remained in their ancestral homeland.
While “Palestine” was a name that the ROMAN EMPIRE gave to Ancient Israel, after the ancient Philistines, Israel’s worst enemy, as it was their custom, they wanted to erase all traces of the original inhabitants of the lands they conquered. The Philistines were long gone by then thanks to David and his successors, and they weren’t even Arabs, while the Arabs of “Palestine” until 60 years ago, was simply known as…Arabs.
Arab countries occupy OVER 99% of the Middle East, not only do do they occupy a huge landmass, many sit on top of the oil reserves in the area. And yet, despite all that wealth of some of their rulers, it is somehow now West’s responsibility to aid the “poor Palestiniansâ€.
Does it also confuse anyone else about the number of people popping up, calling themselves “Pals” and demanding the “right to return” to the land that was never their’s to return to ?
Best answer:
Answer by trancinguy
Boats – Disney.
Sneezer, I hope that verbal diarrhea of yours was not discharged from the wrong end.
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