Question by namsaev: Does this seem like a good idea to you?
The government is going to remove the Blow Out Preventer.
Now the article doesn’t say if they are going to remove the temporary cap BEFORE BP completes the bottom kill on the well or after. Common sense, which is completely lacking on the government’s part would dictate you wait until the bottom kill drilling and plug are completed and tested. But that point is missing from the article.
I can understand why the BOP needs to be investigated and the cause of the failure determined. But to pull the temp cap without the bottom kill completed doesn’t seem like a wise move.
True, it could be the well is plugged from the top and removing the BOP won’t cause any more oil to leak. But what if the plug isn’t totally secure and it’s a combination of the plug and the temp cap that are stopping the leak? This administration is so worried about further leaking they have stopped all drilling (except for the relief well which is being done by the same folks who caused the first leak) in deep water. Why take the chance on opening up the leak?
Best answer:
Answer by Pfo
I read that article, and that was my first thought. Why not do the bottom kill, seal the well, then remove the cap. Sounds logical to me, that oil spill was bad, we don’t want to release even more oil!
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