Question by : How did the Naegleria fowleri get from Australia to America?
I was just wondering. There shoud not be any il in the water surface from Australia to Atlanta USA America? This is just an theory or assumption on my behalf that there is no oil on the surface from there to Atlanta. ( at least I would hope there is not top water oil from there to Atlanta? So assuming this.
My question is; How did the Naegleria fowleri which travel only in oily waters so how did it get to America? I am asking because they said it killed 3 kids in Atlanta, so yeah that is a big concern for surfers. I have lots of friends over there..thanks for serious answers in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by Paul
Naegleria fowleri is found world wide. You don’t hear about outbreaks everywhere because the circumstances that lead to multiple people being exposed (such as large numbers of amoebas being in a lake or pool) are rare. Although the first case of it causing disease and death in humans was seen in a boy in Australia ( there have been outbreaks in Czechoslovakia, New Zealand and Pakistan as well as the US. You can find a list of outbreaks here
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