
The world needs a new source of energy; one that is continuous, plentiful, inexpensive, safe and unspillable

Q&A: How much land must the Federal Government take to put in place all the wind turbines we need?

Question by The Presidential Finger: How much land must the Federal Government take to put in place all the wind turbines we need?
We need a significant number of wind turbines to replace the oil and coal industries. These turbines need land. We can hardly take it from National Parks, so we need to take it from citizens. This is, of course, constitutional (see the Fifth Amendment). It is also constitutional to take land from one citizen, and give it to a private developer (see Kelo v. New London). This private developer could be a wind turbine company.

How much land must the Federal Government take to put in place all the wind turbines we need?

Best answer:

Answer by Andy
It would need to cover the entire area of Nebraska with solar panels to make that work, so wind turbines would be much more.

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