The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

12 Responses

  1. u can do it if ur really smart because i can’t understand a word u have typed

  2. I don’t think you can buy a hydrogen engine. Also, I think that to get enough energy to produce enough hydrogen to make the car go any significant distance, you’d need way more solar panels than will fit on the car. So you’d need to carry the hydrogen on-board the car in a tank, which sounds a little scary.

  3. there a number of websites online that show you how to burn water in your car. they somehow with water and electricity and something else convert the water to a hydrogen gas which is then run in through your intake system. It is supposed to increase your mileage up to 50% on some cars.The kits themselves can be expensive.Over $1000.00 for some models.Would be better to find plans somewhere and build it yourself

  4. There are several such plans on the internet to modify your current car to make it consume water instead of gasoline. I have studies the issue and texts as it seems interesting and got to the following conclusion:

    In theory this is indeed possible. One day it will be accomplished, just maybe not the way we imagine today. The only real problem is that it takes energy to separate water molecules to make it’s energy available. So you would need an extra energy source to make the system work. I would recommend using solar power to boost the process, although their efficiency ratios are not yet up to the task, and you’ve got an environmentally friendly car.

    So if you solve out the alternative source of energy for your modified engine, you have the odds of making it.

  5. It takes about 300% more power than U will get out of your hydrogrn engine. Stop trying to get somthing for nothing….

  6. It’s possible, and no new engine is needed. Just a little knowledge on how to alter or replace a few specific parts. Some guy altered his engine in the ’70’s to run off hydrogen. It was much safer than burning gasoline (less explosive force if it does blow, and it doesn’t burn for so long), the engine oil lasted much longer since it wasn’t polluted by hydrocarbon build ups from the burning gasoline and was pretty much free. I forgot how he got his hydrogen. I’d suggest using a windmill if there is any amount of wind in the area where you live; much more efficient per $$ spent.

  7. research smack booster. it is the most productive booster to date and is one of the cheapest and eaisest to build. check out the website. everything is there for free including directions, parts lists and where to get it if you want to build it your self.

    smack booster emits 1.5-2 lpm browns gas and cost less than 200 dollars to build…. I am currently waiting on all the parts to be shipped!

  8. Actually you can tell your dad someone is already doing it, the company is called united nuclear and they are in development of both a solar or wind powered hydrogen generator and the kit for your car. The nice part is it is safer then gas because they are storing the hydrogen in metal hydride which will allow way more storage then just compressing the stuff and it won’t leak out that way. Also the kit is nice because the modifications to your engine don’t elimante the gas part it simply uses the computer to turn off the fuel injectors so if your taking a long trip you can still use Gasoline. If you want to develop your own kit I found a couple of websites that sell the metal hydride canisters for hydrogen storage but in the end I will just wait for the premade kit so it will have been tested.

  9. Well I’ve reviewed the answers and there are some misleading posts. First the science is there for all to see. Second there is no need to change engines. Third there is a system which is able to supply all the fuel needed to operate your car without gasoline, with stainless steel valves and exhaust systems, plus in an affordable price range.

  10. I installed two hydrogen units on my v8 truck and my mileage is better than ever!!

    I am going to install eight more hydrogen tanks in the rear of my truck with an extra battery to run it all.
    Free Fuel? I’m not sure but I will find out when I get eight units installed.

    Good Luck!!!
    This link will tell you how to design your own.

Q&A: Is it possible to build my own hydrogen-powered car and produce my own hydrogen to power it?

Question by Bensock: Is it possible to build my own hydrogen-powered car and produce my own hydrogen to power it?
My dad has this idea and wants to start making his own hydrogen using electrolysis and solar panels. With this hydrogen, he wants to power a hydrogen powered engine which he will buy separately and put in a car. He wants to start a business this way and sell these hydrogen powered cars and use the hydrogen he produces to power his own car.

I am trying to convince him that it won’t work but I’m not too sure on the reasons why.

Can you even buy hydrogen-powered engines? How dangerous would this be? Could enough hydrogen be produced using electrolysis powered by solar panels and how would this be stored and put in a car? What are the chances of it working even if it is possible?

Please, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by thebrightnight
well i was to laxy to read the discription ut i think building a hydrogen car would be dangerous…… ow i can think of many ways it can be……OW!!!.please pick me for best answer im so close to level 2! but i cant get it today onless i get best answers cuz ill run over my limit for answering.

Give your answer to this question below!